[I&W] Garmr running for Country President

Day 952, 12:02 Published in Netherlands Poland by Garmr

Dear fellow countrymen,

I stand before you with the ambition to become president of our beautiful nation.

For those that do not know me well, I will tell you in short a bit of my career in the eNetherlands.
Born in September 2009, the first month I was not very active. In October I won in the congress elections, and received a job as head ambassador. All went well and I did the best possible. The month after, I won again in the congressional elections and aside from my job as head ambassador and congressman, I took on the job as minister of raws and general army supplier. I did the job well after a period of problems with the previous ministers. When this term was over, I spent time in multiple governments as minister of raws, minister of recruitment and coaching and as minister of economics. In the ten months I have played, I participated in seven governments. I met great people and I am grateful for calling them my friends.

My main goals;


Much has been said on this topic, and for many months presidents appeared to make this their top priority. When I reflect on this today, obviously no results have been seen. I know many former candidates made promises on this topic that they could not keep, and I hope that you, the voter, still have the confidence to believe me on this issue. Without being unrealistic I believe that we can achieve a 50% babyboom.

Government activity

A problem that has been neglected for too long, some government members are not active nor responsible enough to do the task entrusted to them. I feel this is not only a betrayal to the president, but also directly to the inhabitants of the country. When a member in my government is inactive, punishment and replacement will be swift.


A common problem in the past has been the topic of transparency. Whether it came to helping allies in need, blocking treasuries of enemy nations or even friendly nations, many people were not informed timely. After every important decision that I make, I will publish an article, shout and forum post to keep everyone up to date. I will publish from a presidential newspaper, so people can subscribe there for fast official news.


I will offer you war. If it takes being the most annoying person in the world to the Phoenix High Command, so be it. War is what this game makes fun and what we lack the most in our daily life. I will investigate every possibility to plunge our country into war.

I feel that these points are more than able to be resolved and it will bring a time of fun, glory and prosperity to our country.

In light of the coming holidays and nice weather, everyone deserves to sit outside in the sun and drink a most delicious beverage together with a most delicious male or female at his or her side.
This is why I have taken it serious to create a large government. There will always be someone to do what is necessary to keep this country not only running, but having it remain the great and friendly environment it has always been and will be.

Also, I would like to tell you that I&W is not running alone in this election. GLD has decided to support our cause and we are very proud of it. We always have had a great relation with them and this shows that great minds do indeed think alike.

Soon I will publish the all-star lineup for my government.

Sincere regards,

When I am elected President, the first round of beers at the meeting in Utrecht on the 10th of July will be on me. Would you like to join and see all your virtual friends in real life? Contact Deviltje or DanielB1989 to sign up!



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