[Hale4PP]~ A Common Campaign

Day 2,397, 13:44 Published in USA USA by Hale26
A Common Campaign, or, I wunt your vote

So, before we get to anything I think it's fair to give a shoutout to Oblige for this sick new art WeThePeople's got going. Back when I used to actually write, let alone write WTP things, the art we had was...nice. But this- Fantabulous.

While I do like to think intros are unnecessary, I have been out of politiks for awhile. Back when I was active these fine people weren't even T6 (Congrats BSP!), I was a fiery partisan (Sorry Feds!), LAP and WTP wouldn't even contemplate merger let alone actually do go through with one and ofc...parties didn't retain their positions with botnets lol.

For those that weren't with me back then; I'm Hale26, a founding member of the old WeThePeople, fmr. holder of basically every position ever in the party and past four time party president. I'm going after my 5th term as WTP Party President in our primaries right now and would greatly appreciate your vote.

Obvious question pose😛 Why do I want to be Party President and why should I be Party President?

On one part, I want to be Party President cause DMJ doesn't really want to be PP again. On the other, this art is preeettty nice. But the main reason I want to be Party President again is to build off the fires DMJ has kindled with his two terms. Really, DMJ has set me up for what could be a pretty exciting term. Thanks to the merger we as a party have a great batch of talent ready to move on up into working positions, a great electoral base and a pretty great political position. Basically, there's a whole lot of material here to work with. Material that, with proper management, can become even more defined making us even stronger as a political force in the eUS.

It just so happens that, ALONGSIDE THE FACT THAT I'M THE ONLY CHOICE, I'm in a comfortable position to lead the party to achieve dat sexy definition. Lemme lay down a fact or two;

A. I'm 16. I don't have time to screw off ingame, wasting time on IRC playing power politiks or keeping up side jobs ingame which could distract from PPing. I value my time.

B. Near every past PP I've worked with can attest to the fact that I'm an efficient mofo when it comes to Cabinet management. I know how to build a defined team and keep it running. Simple. No glitz, no distraction, just success.

By the time I'm done, we will have an amazingly functioning leadership structure and all the benefits that come with it.Election notices, perfectly on time. Retention intiatives, happenin. Forums, kinda-sorta-ish bumping.

In conclusion, I want to lead this party to success by adding definition to our populist fire. No overt glitz, rah-rah or anything about it. Just success.

I'll have a Cabinet and some Cabinet-oriented goals in a bit. Till then,