[Forward Canada] Spectacular

Day 1,884, 17:13 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

I am proud to announce that I have won the Party Presidency of the Forward Canada. There are big things ahead for this party. But enough about what's in my pants.

I've been waiting too long to use that line. Too long. It wasn't even very good. And now the kind people of the Forward Canada Party have given me the opportunity to use it, and for that I thank you. Now, onto more important things.

Funky can go funk himself

Forward Canada fully supports our invasion of the Redcoats. Norway needs our help and this keeps us occupied and out and about so we don't just sit here in our own feces because it takes a lot of effort to change our adult diapers.

Or, if you guys enjoy sitting here in your own feces, we could send some bombers to the UK and just drop raisins everywhere. Because really, who the hell wants raisins.

Forward Canada Party President
Anti-Raisin Enthusiast

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