[FG4CP] The most important vote you may ever cast.

Day 3,333, 14:59 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

Not having an opponent really sucks.

Even when komeko ran last month, relative newb though he was, putting together campaign articles was so much easier because I could play off of what he was doing or use the conversations from the various party threads to inspire an article or an idea. This month there is just nothing. SFP once again had the hands-down most interesting “I am running for CP thread,” but some of them kind of like me now so they’ve put down their torches and pitchforks. There was a lot of well-articulated and very constructive criticism. Little fire.

I really want to believe it’s because everyone thinks I’m doing such an amazing job. Just let me believe that.

I didn’t win their endorsement, apparently. Or if I did, it never made it in-game. Even Pfeiffer forgot to endorse me in-game and he’s supposed to be my puppet master, so it’s entirely possible that people just missed it. I know the game is slow right now because of the holidays, but I want to make sure that lull really was temporary. The holidays are over. I want to get back into the swing of things.

My last article laid out some of the stuff I wanted to do along with a few of the people I want to do it with. I’ve been very excited by the response from others who want to get involved, and I am happy to find a place for as many of you as I can. I also think I need to go ahead and talk about some of the bigger things I have planned for this term. I am, afterall, running against boredom.

As I mentioned previously, some of the biggest criticisms from last term were related to Defense. Defense is a priority. It is important that we are making decisions about our resources that help us to be stronger and more agile. We need to lose the things that do not necessarily help to those ends and add things that do. Senry does an amazing job, but I put too much on his plate last month. This month he’s going to be rolling with a bigger staff and I want to make some changes to how we do things.

First, I want to make the Air Shout Giveaway a thing we just do now. I was funding it myself because I really wasn’t sure how it was gonna go. It went really well! It had the results I was hoping for. Getting people to shout air battles was the easy part. Getting people to submit names was hard. There were quite a few days when I was the only person who submitted any names at all, which led to the same people winning over and over. The results were there. The methodology needs fixing. I would like this to become a Defense initiative.

I also want us to get better at directing damage and I think this will come from the smart use of COs. Senry is a frugal guy. He doesn’t want to spend if he doesn’t have to, which makes him really good at setting COs. I will petition Congress to add this new item to the Defense budget so we can have the money readily on hand to be used to direct damage and also include Congress in the conversation for more Defense matters.

Also, I am releasing the USAF. That will no longer be the official MU. We are not replacing it with a different MU. We are not reforming USAF. We are not doing anything with it. The MU is in rainy sunday’s very capable hands, and since it requires no tax dollars to operate and experiences very little oversight as it is, I’m going to cut them loose. They are free to do whatever they want. Self-determination!

USAF has experienced good growth recently and offers some great benefits to their members. They are also only one of 2 MUs with an official airborne regiment. It’s a great MU and they have all been working very hard to make this resurgence happen and build a cool community. This decision to release them from government oversight is really a testament to how well they’ve done. They stand firmly on their own two feet and I think they can decide from here what they want to do and how they want to do it.

And finally, unrelated to anything in Defense, I am bringing back THE WHEEL this month. People keep asking for it and I think it’s time. Like most grassroots things, it will probably start to suck now that the government will be running it, but I am possessive of my Wheel. I’ll really try to make it not horrible for you guys. Now who wants to create a dating profile?!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh snaps

I haven’t worked out all of the details or put together all of the spaces yet, so if you have an idea for a space on the wheel, leave it in the comments of this article or shoot me a message or find me on discord (my name there is fingerguns, if you can believe it). I am also looking for at least 1 volunteer to help me run THE WHEEL. You need to be an honest person who believes strongly that THE WHEEL chooses the space the spinner is meant to have. No funny business. You also need to be on discord a lot and preferably at times when I am not around (like closer to reset). If you’re interested, let me know ASAP.

Even though I am running unopposed, I really hope you guys remember to vote and I hope you get involved this term. This game kind of runs on conflict so I know an uncontested race is basically the most boring thing that could ever happen, especially since we have no real war to speak of (my god, UK, do you even try), but I think the actual term itself is going to be a good one. Defense staff is filling up fast. We still have a couple positions in Citizen Affairs (including this Wheel business). Consider jumping in with DoCA. I’m going to be very hands-on in that department and I’m hoping to work with some people I’ve never had a chance to work with before. It’s going to be a lot of fun!

THE MOST IMPORTANT VOTE!!! I didn't really use it, but here are some awesome submissions for 'kinda dirty campaign slogan'. Who should I give money to? Vote in the comments!

1. LuckyNumber85: "Let's D/P Fingerguns a Second Time!"
2. TerranLoyalist: Fingerguns for CP: "This Time It's Consensual"
3. Major Trite: "fingerguns for prodding populace to new heights"
4. John Gregorson: "FG for P, the D by a different name"

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