[EN] My Thank You and Election Result

Day 3,760, 02:07 Published in Hungary Japan by Y o s h i n o

Thank you all for your support, I realize I'm newcomer in here since my citizenship has changed in February 2018. It's doesn't bad result for me.. at least someone trust to me to gave their vote.

Election Result:

My Biography:

Name : Y o s h i n o
Joined : 2010/2017
All About Me : Wiki

My Career:

-Vice President of Indonesia 2017/2018 https://goo.gl/VfEi5L https://goo.gl/q7y1sz
-Ministry of Internal Affair 2017 https://goo.gl/XWFSNA
-Congress Speaker 2017
-Congressman 2017
-Party President of Indonesia Democratic Socialist (IDS) 2017/2018
-Captain ABeRI


Thank you all... IHAmaxxxx
Y o s h i n o