[eBe - UU] Congress election (September - October)

Day 2,500, 08:45 Published in Belgium Belgium by Franckie18

Hello everybody !

Old and new players, one wor😛 Union. More active and less active players, one wor😛 Union. English, Dutch and French speaking players, one wor😛 Union. The only rule: play fair. Union. For eBelgium.

Today I'm presenting you our candidates for congress !

But before, I will just devlop our description for you.

Old and new players are welcome, we can help you if you're new, and you can join us for a fun game-play if you're old.
More and less active people can join us. This is and stays a game. Free to you to decide how you want to play it ! We accept and respect your choice.
Which language you can speak, we will accept you ! eRep is mostly an English game, but not only English speaking persons want to play it. That's why we accept everybody and every language.
One rule : play fair ! We don't want to cheat, we don't want to make multies, we just want to play it good and fair for a better game !
And last, for eBelgium, for the next egenerations, to let to this new players anything better then how it was. Let's give this game a long future.
For eBelgium ...

The candidates are :
1. Franckie18
2. Olv007
3. Alexandross
4. Tony Clifford
5. xPhone
6. SX80
7. victor 1312
8. Hygge
9. Clarence88
10. Thanatos The Magnificent

Don't forget to vote for UU tommorow !!!

Your PP,
