[DoI] Thorn in the side, Resistance is Futile and get training

Day 2,211, 16:52 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

From The Front Lines
Well as you know by now we are wiped. Our friends in this war New Zealand have 1 remaining region Otago. Look to keep Chile as split as possible in any Australia Resistance War, Peru Resistance War or fighting for New Zealand to do what we can. Don’t just fight to fight. Look at all battles against Chile and join in the battle that you have the chance to make the biggest impact.

Where possible, do not fight in resistance wars just because there is one going on for Australia. I can’t stress this enough. Fight where you will make the biggest difference and that may not be for Australia even if we have a RW going on. Help our allies and friends to turn the tide on Chile wherever we can. When we need to fight you will see orders come from the department of defense.

Congrats to NightHawks for doing the most damage last week in the leaderboards!

Thorn in the Side - Australian Pride Party
The well-known PTO party in Australia is Australian Pride Party. This group is here to try and annoy each administration as much as possible. Last few terms they have tried introducing NE’s to start trouble (http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Australia/134630) and have historically done nothing but try to hurt this nation.

Recently they tried to pass an impeachment (http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Australia/136032). Where ever possible, try to help get rid of this party. If you see any laws proposed by a member of this party, chances are we all should vote against it. They are known PTO party and everyone needs to be aware of them.

Economy and Training
Just a few notes on the economy – with the recent changes, weekly challenges, etc the price of Gold has gone up to 217.00 right now which has been around 208 for a while. Also as you all are aware the prices of food and weapons have also increased with food going up much higher percentage. This is good for business owners but tough times for the solders.

There is the current training contract available right now. This is one of the best deals for those that do the strength training and are paying for Q3 or Q4 training and have upgrades. Take advantage before it goes away!

Minister of Information

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