[DoEE] Company Profitability with new taxes

Day 2,698, 01:58 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover

It's been a busy few weeks here in eAustralia. We have a new President and most of our home regions back. Regions mean production bonuses on companies. We also have a dicktator, and a new tax regime. So, I thought it might be time to update my earlier article about what investments provide the best returns with the new numbers. Not to mention, market prices have dropped almost across the board...

To quickly summarise what this article will consider:

An upgraded training ground

Cost: 20 gold for the first upgrade. Then 70, then 170. And there are four different training grounds...

A food raw materials company

Cost: 10 gold (for the fishery) or 35 gold (for deer) or $1500/$3000/$8500 for grain/fruit/cattle.

And factories, either a new Q1 or an upgrade

Cost: 10 gold for a new one. Or the same sliding upgrade costs as a training ground. Only it goes up to Q7.

Now, a few assumptions and upfront statements:

- I have used the conversion of 1 gold = $200, and vice versa. If you look at the exchange rates, this is patently wrong. Regardless, it is approximate enough to draw broad conclusions.

- Taxes are as they currently stand. A work tax of 2%. VAT of 5% for food, no VAT on raw materials.

- If you hoard your gold you can reduce the cost of an upgrade by 45%. There was an offer last week, no doubt there will be another in May. None of the upgrades consider this discount.

- The food bonus is currently 60%. We have no weapons bonus. So, if you're looking to make money build food companies! If you're a gun runner, do your own maths...

- Housing companies are complicated. We'll look at them in a different article.

- We're only going to look at Q1-Q4 factories. If you've got enough gold to get to Q5 you don't need my help!

Still interested? Well, read on!


Upgrading the free training ground contributes more strength/day. Each upgrade is worth 5 more strength each day, with a super soldier medal (5 gold) coming for every 250 strength. Each training session can therefore be seen as "earning" a portion of that 5 gold. Running the calcs on a monthly basis, we wind up with:

As you can see, the first upgrade to your training ground is very much worthwhile!!

For interest's sake, I also looked at the second training ground. This one only produces 2.5 strength/level/day. And it costs gold to use too! Clearly inferior to the first training ground. Regardless, running the numbers results in:

So if you invest a mighty 260 gold in order to reach Q4, you break even. Worth it? That's up to you...strength has a very subjective value.


We need to sell these little buggers on the market, which are currently going for $0.02 apiece. And we need to pay work tax. Currently, that works out at $1.02 per company and may continue to increase as our average salary continues to rise.

For comparative purposes, I've translated the build cost (in AUD) for grain/fruit/cattle companies into a gold cost. Straight off the bat you'll notice that these are poor choices. For completeness, I've left them in. Adding up our sales and deducting our expenses we're left with:

Fisheries make the best profit for your investment out of the bunch. As work tax continues to climb, deer may overtake fish. Regardless, they all make money. In the case of grain, not enough to make it worthwhile ($3/month).


We need to sell our food on the market too in order to make any money. And we need to provide raw materials (at $0.02 each) to make them run.

Current market prices for food are $0.05/$0.08/$0.14/$0.19 for Q1 to Q4 respectively. From our gross sales we deduct sales tax (net income = revenue/(1 + tax rate). Letting Excel do the work again, we come to:


With the aid of Excel, we can see a few things quite clearly.

1. Far and away the best investment is a Q2 training ground. More strength never hurt anyone either, for that matter.

2. Ignore raw materials companies that are bought in AUD.

3. The best returns are on low quality factories. While you might make more per company with a Q4 factory, for the 270 gold it cost you to get that far you'd be 5 times better off owning 27 Q1 factories