(CPF) A New Term

Day 2,581, 06:47 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

When I started my term, I was surprised at how little this game had changed. I could count on my hands the new players that I have had to deal with since my last term as Party President. It's illustrative of how much harder the game has become for finding new ways of expressing potential and creating momentum among smaller populations of new players. To do something new with your time here is to face challenges such as the shrinking number of issues to tackle and productive conflicts to define your personal experience here. More succinctly, stagnation has led to the monopoly of every community's social and political capital. I point to how immigrants to eCanada have become important agents in our country as people throughout the game try to shake up their experience in eRepublik with a refresh in settings.

How do we balance relying on the few with experience while preparing for their succession, as slow as their replacement has become with slimmer pickings? The Canadian Progressive Front offers solutions. Our goals are simple: to integrate citizens with all aspects of the game and create a space for politics that lets us distinguish certain principles and apply them to the governance of our community, of our governance. The party does this through our tenets, which not only give us a collective identity but also assists the community through even the most intense periods of partisanship from us. We have and will cut out complex meta fluff for the barriers to entry into politics to become lower, we have government that will tell you what they are doing so you can form an opinion while we also let you decide on who is to represent us in Congress or on the Country Presidential ballot.

So for my next term as Party President, I want to go further. In addition to our party goals, tenets and electoral procedures, I will also give the entire membership a new opportunity for exercising their rights as party members that brings them closer to what is happening in eCanada. Party policies will be specific rules and objectives for Party Presidents, CPF Congress members and Executive members to abide by. A member can propose to me or the party in any form of communication a policy for us to pursue, such as tax rates, how to spend Combat Orders and targets for the party to try and meet. The party will vote on it and those proposals that receive a majority affirmation from the party will be catalogued and used to hold the party elite to account.

I will also be rewarding 1000 CC near the end of the term for one of any party member who chooses to enter their article into my writing contest. A winner with the best article will be selected by me. Submissions can be sent to me or indicated in their article as part of the CPF writing contest.

While Congress continues to carry out our will and the CPF reinforces its integration with eCanada through all forms and nodes of decision-making, I will lend myself to ensuring a united front for pursuing our goals through all tools and technologies of governance at our disposal for funneling drones and other potential contenders into what's best for the party and hitherto, what's best for eCanada.

(TinyURL: http://tinyurl.com/p7ognv8 )

The CPF is a party that welcomes all who care about a responsible, accountable and positive government to our halls. There are many opportunities available for newer players, so by all means, consider joining us!

- Visit our forum!

- CPF Wiki Page

The Five Tenets of the CPF:

1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Cultivate a tradition of accountable government spending
3. Ensure eCanada is seen as a reliable ally
4. Respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Set a standard of positive, ethical behaviour in eCanadian politics

I am obliged to answer your queries, so feel free to send a private message my way if you want some help or want to get involved in our community.

Being eCanada's largest party, we have also organized our party as a self-autonomous community within eCanada for further involvement for members. An associate Military Unit, the Praetors, offer special payments for CPF members such as 10 Q7 Tanks per day and food on request. All members should consider joining!