[CP] Presidental update pt.2 - Foreign Affairs

Day 1,582, 19:01 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
If you are here only to read Bulgaria v Turkey, scroll to "Crisis in EDEN"

QUETTA, Turkey - Gentlemen, I finally finished the "war report". I must say, our future did not seem very bright at one moment. We had some plans of getting out of the situation we were in, but all that is forgotten for now, as there are some dramatic changes worldwide.

Disclaimer: this will probably be very long and contain all the information that is relevant to us which I was able to gather.

About occupiers

1) China
China holds 3 of our regions, all 3 of them being crucial to their economy. They were always well defended because most of EDEN military companies are located there and losing 3 resources would have a great impact on EDEN as a whole.

China officials have been known as quite ignorant in the past few months, but their current CP is in friendly relations with us.

Holding Balochistan, region they didn't need, our former ally who decided to play on us. The main reason of holding Balo is a way of putting a pressure on EDEN because their goal is India's rubber which would be their 10th resource.

As you all probably know, Turkey switched sides about 4 months ago, and is fighting for EDEN ever since. It greatly influenced world geopolitics, and EDEN is clearly dominating ever since. One of results of that was our wiping 4 months ago.

Last few months

For the last 4 months (was it 4?), we have been erased by above two countries. While sardar's, raao's and my first term were pretty much crossed out in my head, this is the first time we have an actual chance to be free. Why not before?

It's simple. Pakistan is a small country, we rely on allies a lot. And our allies were in deep.. well mud. Most of ONE countries have no congress, let alone proONE. Many have no country, Serbia and Poland, as flagships of ONE, are reduced to having only 3-4 resources, which reduces their damage output greatly. On the other hand, we are conquered by countries which holds most of EDEN companies, and a country which is #3 by daily damage. Without something major happening, we stood no chance.

Crisis in Terra

This is not as important to us at first glance but it actually is. Long story short, Chile got into an argument with Argentina (ex-Terra, now proEDEN) over some regions, EDEN stopped signing MPPs with Chile, and a few days ago Terra kicked Chile out. This was first thing.

Cyprus got into conflict with Israel over one region (Sinai), which connects Cyprus to two extra resources. Israel was tricky and pretty much stole the region after one ONE offensive. There was a discussion about that, EDEN stood on side of Israel as expected, but Terra refrained from defending their allies. Cyprus turned out to be a bad guy there.

There was also one more conflict on relations China-Cyprus that is worth mentioning, but that happened quite a while ago so I wont go into details.

Crisis in EDEN

This one is big. EDEN had their little conflicts every now and then but this turned out to be a really big one.

After trying to push their interests in ONE and humiliate ONE members, Turkey decided to switch sides and side with EDEN. EDEN welcomed them because Turkey is, like I said before, #3 in daily damage, right after Serbia and Poland. They decided to return Romania and Israel, and gotten a trial membership.

Now here we have to make a break. Turkey has been in war with Greece since 2008 I think, that war never really closed. They also had bad relations with Bulgaria, who has highest dmg output in EDEN.

It was very hard to get Turkey to become trial member but they managed it somehow. Greece had to swallow their pride, and Bulgarians were persuaded somehow. During that time we got erased.

Time warp to more recent past. Bulgaria realized they will be surrounded by allies and countries they have no interest in warring (Serbia and Macedonia, too hard to war, low to no gain). Together with pressure from ONE, Bulgaria shifted its stance even more towards hostility with Turkey. There were many EDEN meetings, SC of EDEN, Oles, was replaced etc.

Lets jump to what happened in the last 3 days:
First we have the famous EDEN summit who's logs you can find here. It's about two hours of reading, but worth it as it gives a lot of details about how countries feel about eachother. I will try to simplify it:
- Greece had to swallow its pride to accept Turkey. Bulgaria saying no means they have something Greece doesn't (5q6 tanks if you guess what). Together with Greece's CP incompetence, they turned out to be very aggressive supporter of Turkey
- China had to play smart because they share sphere of interest with Turkey, and that is Pakistan. They had to be as neutral as possible.
- Croatia was mediator in some of BG/TR deals, but their desire to take Turkey was too big to force those deals. They still officially remained as neutral as possible because they owe Bulgaria a lot
- Ireland is now Bulgarian sphere of influence, support was expected
- Israel was in a though position, because Turkey out of EDEN means them being erased again. They didn't want to give up on Bulgaria either, so they remained neutral
- Ukraine signed a deal with Turkey and Argentina, and was the most vocal pro-Turkey during the summit (Greece was anti-Bulgaria)

Those are pretty much all the more vocal parties which had some interest in the conflict itself. In the end, Bulgarian CP proposed a vote to remove Turkey's EDEN trial status, and started a NE law, to push a response (because otherwise it would be probably delayed again).

One of more funny moments was after this proposal, when Greece CP said that voting is illegal and that they should vote about voting. Made me giggle a bit.

Then hell broke lose, NE laws flying left and right, MPP as well. I will just summarize:
1) BG proposes NE Turkey
2) Turkey, Ukraine and Greece proposes NE on Bulgaria
3) MPP laws coming to Bulgaria from ONE countries
4) Bulgarians fight in Mexico against Croatia
5) Turks fight against BG in Volga
6) a lot of trolling
7) Bulgaria proposes NE on Greece

One article stands out, EDEN official article. If you skim through comments, you see a lot of division in EDEN population. Everyone wants something else. Out of this mess god knows what can happen.

Pakistan in war

For us, it is quite simple. Considering ONE has a grudge against Turkey for switching sides, with Bulgaria as their weapon, they will go towards erasing Turkey. Once that happens, we are free. And if not, alliances will be much closer damage-wise so we will have more people to count on (atm we can's ask people to help us when they themselves are struggling for survival).

That would be all for now. I wrote this yesterday, but hoped for updates today, and there are none. Stay tuned tho, I promise a lot of fun!


EDIT: well, there is an update afterall. This is a message sent from Croatian CP to other EDEN leaders, just saw the screenie: