[CP] Past and future

Day 2,414, 11:56 Published in Denmark Denmark by Zacharia Raven

Dear eDanes

This term is slowly coming to an end, and it's time to start concluding things, while of course still staying sharp. In this article I will reflect upon my campaign goals and analyze how I was able to fulfill them. I will also discuss about the next elections little bit. I will later start publishing campaign articles without the government stamps.

The goals

When I ran, I presented my goals being: Stopping PTO, strengthen communication within Germark and Aurora, providing information to eDanes and activating the citizens.

1. Stopping the PTO

This goal is, was and will be the priority number one for all governments. Kristian Klausen keeped up the great job, and we secured all elections. In congress elections we suffered little bit from losing some trusted members, but no PTOers got through. We love to see 2-region elections, but if we lose any more trusted actives, we might need to reconsider it next months.

2. Communication

I took on improving the communication head-on from day one. The government, mostly Klausen, took active part in this effort and we created few in-game messages. These worked well in my opinion, since not everybody are on IRC, but most log to erepublik regularly. There wasn't a great deal of matters to be discussed, but there was some, and we did. The game mechanics are maybe bit sluggish for efficient communication but we make-do.

I wanted to try using online-pad for the government. This took on promising, as Ilphen used the pad well. It is true that again there ain't much to write about, but little is more than nothing, right? The info I had from the pad helped me.

I tried my absolute best in getting eDenmark into Aurora HQ. I harassed Edelmann and other members in Aurora, and I did actually get in. Only to be asked to leave within 5 minutes. The stiffness of rules is not new to me, as Asgard had some of those also. I didn't bother arguing over the Rules this month.

I took actively contact to the president of eGermany, and I feel it brought Germark a bit closer. The IRC was not used much except between me and Edelmann, but the info I received from him was valuable.

3. Informing and activating eDanes

I published articles whenever there was something to be told. Furthermore I tried to activate the real danes in eDenmark, but that did not succeed very well. During the NSPP strike I contacted most of the alive eDanes and invited them to IRC channel. This did not bare much fruit as only government members appeared.


Overall I was pretty ok with the term. I didn't manage in all goals, but I tried. I learned that when I want to activate people, it must be really simple. In the future I should focus on article commenting being the biggest obstacle. I haven't lost my full hope on in-game messages, but it should not require logging to IRC.

I feel that eDanes appreciate receiving information, and that government or president should offer it frequently. This term was semi-acceptable in terms of frequency, but it is also true that there must be something to be told, otherwise it's only spam.

I was happy to see that the old systems can adopt to new ones, when None and Klausen hooked up and planned on the excel sheets for elections and other stuff.



This matter is nothing sort of comical. I told in several articles during the term that eFinland had been threatening eDenmark with Airstrike. Eventually they finished the preparations, and are still in Airstrike-readiness. Some sources say, that the president would have suggested the AS without NE against eEstonia, which passed. Current situation is as messy as whole eFinland, so it is very unlikely that anyone knows when will they AS - or even who.


Even when eFinland's Airstrike would be stupid and possibly rip Asgard apart, it can be understood. Maybe by a drunk man, but still. The country is in ruins, private military units fund airstrikes against former CP's because they can, using visa. This all adds up to the growing demand of "fun", that seems to be like a drug in eFinland. As a finn I was appalled and disgusted by the fact that foreign politics were dictated in such a manner by non-governmental bodies, but as a eDane it was extremely fun to watch.

And then there is eJapan. I received messages, from several sources, that eJapan has been asking fro NAP's around eDenmark, because they were planning an Airstrike. They even asked NAP from eGermany.


eJapan wanted to Airstrike eDenmark, and asked eGermany for NAP.

Maybe this is how foreign politics is now done in the eWorld. Pick a random country from the map, don't care about bonuses or your chances of keeping the regions..don't even count how many regions there are. Then pile up all the CC and food and ask some neighboring countries for NAP. I must assume that they didn't know about Germark union, or in general anything about this region.

I must say I was very insulted when I heard about eJapan plans. Don't get me wrong. I can appreciate a tactical AS when it has some strategic meaning. But eJapan airstriking eDenmark? With no idea who they are asking for NAP? I feel bad for the people in eJapan. And I won't forget. eDenmark is small and peace-loving country, so we are not going to do anything as stupid. In my eyes eJapan has lost a lot respect, however and I won't be shy to bring it up if such a situation comes. Until eJapan officially apologizes to eDenmark, I will consider them hostiles.

I don't even care about the reason. It might be taken off a hat, or eFinland might have requested it. But eFinland has their own AS ready, and they have even some relation to eDenmark through me. We have done nothing, absolutely nothing to eJapan, and then we get threatened with airstrike? Not cool. You didn't just make fools of yourselves in the eyes of eDenmark, but also eGermany, NSPP countries, eLithuania..whoever you asked for NAP.


The next CP elections might not be so interesting for eDenmark, but they will be for Germark. Ilphen is running in eGermany, and I will run in eDenmark with Libertas. Whoever wins in eDenmark, and Ilphen in eGermany, the cooperation in Germark will be improved into completely new spheres of excellency.


eJapan being the only exception in this article, I would conclude that the term went superb, and we had a good time. This being my first term in eDenmark it was still bit learning stuff, but it should make me stronger and better for the future - and hopefully for the next term. But that is for the people of eDenmark to decide.

I would like to thank all the members in my government. Everybody has been there when I've needed them. Special thanks to Ilphen for his efforts in foreign politics, and Klausen in internal politics. For Ilphen I wish the best month in eGermany, and Klausen hopefully continues his great work in eDenmark. Thank you all.

Thank you for reading!