[CP of eAustralia] Mid Term Report

Day 3,565, 01:30 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Prime Minister Office

Good day eAustralia,

A recent domestic events shown us in a gallant way the sentiment that in the nature nothing is lost. If we don't want to play as citizens of eAustralia then others can do it instead of us. For those who missed to open the world map and track the battles for last week then following facts may look rather strange.

Indonesia attacked us once again and took few regions, also we managed to release others so only one region had left under Peruvian occupation. Step by step we pushed Indo back to their core lands and battles finished with attack over Indonesian capital. How breve we were! Unfortunately we reached our limits and the exhaustion had spoken its words. By fighting on two fronts we lost all. And now we fight hard with our old enemy without losing a hope that one day we will defeat it on the battlefield and will liberate our eHome once and for all.

Could had been true but these things and others more happened without us being involved.


Do not forget to vote on 25-th and keep an eye on the map. We must hold at least one region free till 27-th 0:00 eRep time.

All MPPs have more political than practical purpose. Fighting for our friends in need has also political purpose, so even if you are not active fighter please show your support to the allies when it is necessary. That is important!


Main incomes are Orgs rent which is 24K AUD this month. We have available organizations for renting, so spread the word that monthly fee for one Org is 4000 cc and those who are interested of creating group newspaper or trading on MM can request such account for their needs.

Main expenses are MPPs. There are no programs running, no COs, Air Strikes, weapons buying, no missing funds. In case that you have good proposal how to use our savings then you are welcome to speak, my ears are wide open.


Participating in our allie's war you can gain you more Prestige Points and bigger damage, because battles there are tough and often become Epic with strongest players around the world and Ghost Booster is a great tool at this moment.

Search for the newest edition of Battle Orders newspaper and comment below it. There are cases of comments made with actual date on previous article even when the "new one" is already two days old.

Air battles are now very important. Gain more tank points there to deal good damage. For this purpose you will need houses and often log in for energy recovery. Don't be afraid to waste healt points on air battles. Contact me and I will supply your needs of food. If we don't have tanks on the ground then nothing can stop us to develop our accounts in the skies.

Yours faithfully: