[CP] Driving My Life Away

Day 4,874, 14:15 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Good Afternoon Canada,

I wanted to update you on what's going on, here's a FA synopsis.

> The US has asked Columbia to attack them in Saskatchewan.
> We will be renting Argentina Neodymium concession.
> Croatia has attacked Iran, ASed Serbia and NEed the US.
> The US has left Apolo, they are joining Asteria.

We need to rent more concessions to keep Hot Air at current funding. Current plans are to continue with reduced payout, the rental of neodymium goes a long way to achieve that goal. Also we will be looking into what is necessary to keep the US on NWT. Alliances are rearranging, We need to stay on the right side of this.

Here's the link: https://youtu.be/_tvEvBUG8mY

Well the midnight headlights blind you on a rainy night
Steep grade up ahead, slow me down, makin' no time,
But I got to keep rollin'
Those windshield wipers slappin' out a tempo,
Keepin' perfect rhythm with the song on the radio,
But I got to keep rollin'

I Quit

I've been talking with Klop123, he wants a turn. Klop is more than competent, he's caught up on things and still he wants the job. It's amazing, a moth to flame sort of thing.

I had kept changing my mind because some things weren't done. I believe I've done everything I can do. I've seen Canada through the pre-storm. I've got you set up as best as my team and I can. I plan on helping Klop of course. If nothing else my tank is always for Canada.

Thanks again, many times, for letting me steer the ship.

Canada CP