[BLUE] The End of One?

Day 1,544, 14:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo112

Taken from Sir Nick's article which has been deleted for spam. Can someone explain why? I see no spam here only one person's opinion.

The Nationalist Times
As some of you may know, the eUK has been without regions for some time now. This has a bad impact on our nation. New players cannot get jobs and therefore either quit or work for the Irish... in which case their economy flourishes on the back of ours, and we end up with nothing.

ONE... our alliance... has been focussing on taking back regions in the far east of europe, and is NOT concerned about Britain... or Spain for that matter.

Some intriguing information has been released from a Private chat between the leaders of ONE, which reveals the sheer contempt for the eUK and its people. This dialogue, which can be read here (may take a while to read): http://pastebin.com/9Rg7dfER

To put it simply, the people leading us are doing so illegitemately, and it is up to YOU to speak out against it.

Here is the defining quote from the dialogue, from our very own Greatmoff:

If the citizens of our countries saw this meeting.
ONE would be dead by this time tomorrow
Or half the CPs impeached.
that is why
it's secret meeting

Personally, I believe ONE will collapse in a matter of days.... or maybe we'll continue to be screwed over?