[ARMY] Script for Battle Orders

Day 660, 15:26 Published in Austria Austria by Osterreichs Bundesheer


With the great help of our comrade Evilll, we can finally implement a script that allows us to delivery orders to all soldiers, instantly.

This will a big help to our work and it will become more efficient in the sense that every soldier when log in to eRepublik will see in your home the instructions to fight, and more importantly, UPDATED.

Now, how the hell it works?


1) Download Firefox, if you don't have
2) Intall Firefox
3) Download and Install Greasemonkey (Add to Firefox)
4) Restart Firefox
5) Install the Script

If you have some trouble, please, post here or contact me.

Soon I'll improve a bit more this system (you will know when it happen, I'm sure).

Thank you,

DAY 660 - Styria, Österreinchs Bundesheer HQ
matheusbauer - Minister of Defence