[AMP] Dawn of a New Age

Day 1,328, 09:42 Published in USA USA by Alexander Valkor II

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Good Afternoon America!

It’s been five days since the Presidential Elections, where we had one of the closest races of all time. From looking back, the last time we had anything remotely this close was when St Krems beat Cromstar by a mere six votes back in September 2010. In this most recent election, surprise AMP candidate lost to Blank Keating by 15 votes after the rest of the candidates pulled out to back Blank.

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After Speedcat McNasty (who’s campaign I was a member of and very active supporter of) pulled out of the race I immediately wrote up an analysis of the Presidential race, where GoalieBCSC declared intent, Blank Keating, Marxus, Thedillpickl, Jon Malcom and GLaDOS. In the end Goalie ran was a shadow candidate with the USWP endorsement of Speedcat, who’s account he had access to, Marxus dropped out and became Blanks’ VP, GLaDOS was unable to secure a Top 5 and Thedillpickl got onto the ballot, leaving Jon Malcom out of the race.

It was immediately presume that GoalieBCSC would have the race in the bag with his USWP endorsement and broad appeal. In the end, Speedcat McNasty under the USWP (which was to be used by Goalie to become President) came in 4th place. After reset Technician took the lead and held it over even iNCi for most of the day. As noted in my article, Overview of the Presidential Election, Technician went from being a dark horse to a contender. At that point all other candidates had just barely assembled their tickets and campaigns.

Dawn of a New Age

The last few months have brought about a new party, rocking the political landscape. When Haliman announced the creation of the American Military Party, people on the forums and elsewhere were quick to dismiss the party or its potential. It wasn’t much longer before the party reached number six and had our sights set on becoming a Top 5 party. It would would only be a few days before we reached the Top 5. Even then, we were doubted until we showed our capabilities in our first Congressional Election.

Growing In Size

As it stands right now, the AMP is the third largest party in the nation. We are 118 members from passing iNCi and only 155 members from passing the United States Workers Party. As I noted in my article, “America’s Rising Star”, the party has surpassed the leaderships wildest expectations. We never would have imagined we could have gone this far, this fast. And even better is that as we grow, so does our activity and the strength of our member base. After a strong couple months building the party, the AMP has become a political force to be reckoned with.

Future Leaders of the AMP

My greatest concern about the party since being its Chief of Staff since its founding was that when leadership burned out (most of us with broad political experience), there wouldn’t be others to step up and take the lead. Even with the greatest bit of momentum, we would have lost what we are working so hard to achieve if the leadership was unable to prepare another generation of leaders for the party. Looking at the current Party Presidential Primary in the AMP, where John Jay (AMP Congressmen, Communications Director and former Deputy Chief of Staff) is running a tight race with Haliman, I think that obstacle is on its way to be bypassed.

We have players like Morrigan Alexandros, Israel Stevens, SuicideOG, Juan Ladino and Armandez all taking more leadership roles within the party. From the Legal Department, to Communications, to Finance and the office of the Chief of Staff, we have several players with little political experience showing their capabilities, interest and motivation to keep pushing forward. The AMP is representing the Dawn of a New Age. Where the United States Workers Party will not be the unrivaled leader in American Politics. A competitive and active Top 5, with stronger parties, only leads to better retention, more activity and lowers our chances of continuing the complacency of the Top 5.

The next month will be a major way for the AMP to prove what it is capable of. In the last Congressional and Country Presidential elections, the rest of the parties had no idea what kind of rising force they were dealing with. Now they know, so the stakes are higher than ever to prove our worth and show what we can do.

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[AMP] Dawn of a New Age
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