[Aftonposten] Numero Dos: Krig på gång?

Day 1,831, 13:52 Published in Sweden USA by Aliquam
Godafton alla Aftonpost-läsare!

Ja, som rubriken säger, krig på gång, andra uppdateringen.
Vad har hänt?
Jo, en jävla massa om jag skall vara ärlig!

I förra artikeln kunde jag sammanfatta att de var svåra att försöka få kontakt med.
Men nu har jag gjort de omöjliga!

Nedan följer en intervju med Estlands CP: (på engelska)
So what about NE Sweden, do you know why Latvia and Lithuania is doing this?
well I guess direct wars is the only things what still keeps fun in
also boosts local markets
and true patriot medals


well I think the main problem is that Latvia attacked first
and now latvia and lithuania attack whenever it is possible

You say that "still keeps fun in", are you sure about this, or is this just revenge?
well aslong as finland and estonia fight.You can count as revenge I guess

Will Estonia join and NE Sweden, or continue the war against Finland?
I guess finland and estonia keep fighting
it just goes back and forth

Do you know why Latvia and Lithuania gov doesn't answer pm at .com and here at IRC? Why this secrecy?
latvia and lithuania use skype
well the goverment part atlest
but cps should be on irc

Efter detta skaffade vi fram en representant, nämligen MoFA:n i Litauen!
Nedan kommer en liten intervju med Lariox:

got your PM in erep. sorry, i was busy in RL last few days
how can i help you?

(jag skickade ett pm för ett ganska bra tag sen som han inte har svarat ens att han skall svara på senare...)


So this NE with Sweden, what is this all about?
Sweden changed alliance and attacked ABC first. Also, your ally Finland bullies Estonia all the time. So we have to protect ABC

Why Sweden?
We have no border with Finland 🙂

Will ABC liberate to wipe Sweden, or is it just for fun?
The main goal is fun, but if we wipe Sweden at the same time, there will be even more fun

Will Poland help you? Or the rest of ABC?
You should ask Poland about this. Latvia is already helping. Estonia is in war with Finland

What do you think of Plams, the CP in Sweden, is it his fault that you guys NE Sweden?
I never had a chance to talk to Plams. But from what I heard he is more adequate than Wolf. Anyhow, your CP is not the reason. The reason is war that is lasting a few between Asgard and ABC that goes on for a few months already.

What do you think about Sweden in general?
I think Sweden betrayed exONE and ABC. So, I can't say many good things about Sweden.

Will something stop you this time?
We'll see 🙂
thats it i guess

So if I have understand this correctly, you have not a deal with Poland regarding backup in the war?
Sorry, I can't tell you that

Lite mer svar, men fortfarande lite hemlighetsfull. I.a.f. de skall "skydda ABC" och "kul" är motiveringen.
Låter lite flummigt och som om det ligger mer bakom. Därför kontakade jag också några ministrar i Polen angående om de kommer hjälpa ABC.

Prophet, CP i Polen:

Simply, I wonder if Poland have any participation in this?
we'll not NE Sweden again

but does Poland have like a deal with Lativa and Lithuania to backup the war?
if the help will be needed we'll

So why help ABC to fight again, when you NE us last time to quit the war?
Because they are our allies, no matter if they make good decisions or bad
So you will help them if they need help?

Här slutar Prophet svara och totalignorerar mig, men jag ger mig inte, utan skickar frågan vidare till Polens MoFA:

Simply, I wonder if Poland have any participation in this?
neither in NEing FIN by EST

Does Poland have like a deal with Lativa and Lithuania to backup the war?
i dont think so

well, we'll protect ABC
in case erasing
but... atm they are big boys

So when you said last mandate that you wanted to end the war between ABC and Sweden, this wasn't true?
it was, but Estonia broked our plans

So, you will support ABC when they broke your plans?
Estonia 😕= whole ABC

no, but Latvia and Lithuania broke it too
and you support them 😉
yes and no
as i said, we will protect them from erasing by Sweden or Fin f.e.
we dont want involved in new conlfict
as agressor
*in new idiot conflict

Sedan börjar han med något angående våra MPPs, som jag inte fattar relevansen med, men i.a.f. så kände jag att jag ville ha mer, så här är Polens vMoFA!

Simply, I wonder if Poland have any participation in this?
mmm I don't think so
currently we're engaged somewhere else

Does Poland have like a deal with Lativa and Lithuania to backup the war?
according to most recent plans received
some Poles will surely fight via mpp
but will we issue orders for Sweden?
im not sure
one thing I can tell
if ABC gets in trouble
we will help you for sure

You will help ABC against sweden?
nope, didnt say that
[20:45] but will we issue orders for Sweden?
[20:46] im not sure
thats what I said about Sweden

Last question, why have Poland and Swedens relation been so bad last months?
maybe cause you cant say Sweden without EDEN

vMoFA säger att Polacker kommer slåss emot Sverige via MPP och om vi får ett förtag i regioner kommer de gå in med. MoFA säger att de (ABC) skall sköta detta själv.
Dock kommer de "skydda ABC" vad nu detta skall betyda.
Presidenten är mer inne på att de skall hjälpa varandra, för att bevisa sin lojalitet. Något som man kunde höra på Litauens president "I can't tell you".
I mina öron låter detta som om Polen har någon inverkan på detta, det skulle nog inte förvåna mig om POG (stor Polsk MU) snart sätter order mot Sverige.

Detta hittar jag dessutom i baltisk media:
"Lithuania and Latvia announces Sweden Natural Enemy

It has been rather quiet week for ABC. Latvia and Lithuania didn‘t have active wars, Finland was erased by Poland and Estonia. However, on Tuesday Estonia didn‘t manage to hold Finnish RWs and started to retreat to it‘s core regions. A bit later Finland liberated one region from Poland, which is busy in Western Europe at the moment. Everything looked like typical ping-pong between Estonia and Finland on the ABC-Asgard front, until Lithuania declared Sweden a NE on Thursday. The NE was accepted by Lithuanian Congress with 24 votes against 0.

I would like to point, that the only path from Lithuania to Sweden lies through Scania region. If Lithuania manages to capture Scania, it is risking to get German NE. However, Lithuanian CP ZygaLTU noted that „Country is getting divided more and more. War is nearly the only thing capable to unite Lithuanians. Besides, now it‘s the perfect time for a war when Plato announced special offers. This is a double benefit for Lithuania. Regarding the risk with Germany, this is just a game. Even if we will get into a trouble, they will not be able to keep us for long, just like Romanians couldn‘t do it one year ago. If we try hard enough, it is possible to erase Sweden – we are more or less equal countries. Of course, it would be easier with Latvian help“.

Yesterday‘s attack on Scania was unsuccessful and now Sweden attacks Lithuania Minor region. But today Latvia has announced Sweden NE as well, so the war might change to a more favorable direction to ABC.

(Lite extra bonus:
Latvia cuts down import tax rate

Latvia is looking ways to solve tax collection problems. At the moment Latvian budget is gathering ~6000 CC per day, which is barely enough to keep MPPs. As a solution, President Mongis proposed decreasing import tax on weapons from 25 % to 5 %. He states than analysis of foreign counties tax systems shows that this is optimal rate for the successful development of the economy. However, no change in tax collection seems to happen since then)

Så vad kan vi sammanfatta totalt nu?
Jo, Polen och ABC har något slags avtal att de kommer hjälpa varandra då de är väldigt hemlighetsfulla. ABCs orsak till att inkräkta på svenskt territorium är ganska okänt, "finland mobbar estland", "kul" och "varför inte" tros vara orsakerna, och antingen är det väl så eller så ligger det något mer bakom. Jag själv tror att de kommer utkräva sin revansch på Sverige efter att vi bröt en NAP då vi attackerade ABC, under Neppons tid som CP.
Så vad tror ni? Vad kommer hända? Hur kommer detta utvecklas? Lämna gärna din åsikt här under!

Aftonposten kommer fortsätta att uppdatera er på sakfrågan!
