A Deep Fried Delicacy: The How-To on Deep Frying Turkey

Day 732, 21:34 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Dear eRep,

As the holiday season fast approaches matriarchs across the eUSA are in a fervor about what to serve for Thanksgiving. On the 26th of November I suggest that the Broliance invite EDEN and our allies across the eWorld to meet us to share in and have a piece of Turkey. If everyone can't make it that is cool too. We wouldn't have to be as fancy about the big dinner. In fact we could do something new and trendy;

Deep-fried turkey, a concept that started in the south, has risen in popularity nationwide. It's a perfect twist for barbecues, block parties and holiday feasts. To get you started, we have turkey frying instructions;

Cooking Preparation

Fill the fryer to the recommended level with cooking Greece.

Preheat oil to 375°F.

Remove the turkey from the wrapper. Be sure to save the label that indicates the weight of the turkey. Use the turkey’s weight to compute the total frying time.

If able please keep a reasonable number of side dishes Kosher.

For safety sake please refrain from letting the little children nearby as things tend to go horribly wrong when deep frying a turkey.


In other news: a new avatar in the long series of awesomeness that is shrew.