Yddub's Legacy: Part 1: Free Q7 weapons for all Irish citizens: Fight Night

Day 1,831, 06:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by Death and Taxes

So, as you know, Yddub generously left 340k+ to the State. Owing to recent robberies, he felt it best that the money should be placed temporarily in my possession. Oh well, never was known for his brains was Yddub.

As you may know, the intention is that all this money will be handed over to the State. However, this can't be done until we have continuity with the regulation of our finances. So I'm very sorry to dictate, but unless AppleMan gets into MoF next month, the dosh stays with me for the moment.

In the meantime, I think it would be a good idea if we started using this revenue for what Yddub wanted, the betterment of Ireland. So here's the deal:

On Sunday night, 1200 server time, the Irish Army will organise a national fight night. We have a pretty good idea about who this country will be. As MoD, I am asking every Irish citizen to turn up with full heath available.

Every fighter will receive 7 x Q7 weapons in order to participate. This is an opportunity to show what we can do as a country, impress our alliance and friends and feel good about our community.

I hope to see you all there on IRC, #IrishArmy @ irc.rizon.net