Worldwide Ads for eIreland

Day 645, 06:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by einberliner

Dear all,

This is for my global ads to encourage citizens to come to eIreland.

I'm going to do 2 gold worth of worldwide ads (for now) and 1 gold each for two targetted regions because I'm not uber wealthy and that's what I can afford for now, though I'll be getting super soldier in a couple days. Am open to suggestions as to what regions might be best to target as my global knowledge is so far not exactly comprehensive.

I'm also wondering which image people like most for the ads. I have a favorite but my taste is just one person's taste, so! The last one, with the gifts, is mostly to be vague enough to pique people's curiosity. In case you were wondering.

Btw: These will come out large because the site I used automatically resizes. In reality they are 100x100 and not pixelated.






So please, vote up and post your opinion. I don't mind if you're a noob or level 30, I wanna hear it.
