Why the Non-Aggression Pact Makes Sense

Day 635, 12:42 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

For anyone who has not seen the non-aggression pact (NAP) yet, you should look it over if you can. That and Emerick's explanation are here.

As President of the eUS, Emerick has been charged with making the tough decisions that no one else can. Making peace through a temporary non-aggression is far from the ideal scenario for any of us, but by doing this, we will maintain our remaining regions while being able to fight another day here at home, as well as fight to protect our allies. Emerick has taken action realizing that the present is not working, but has given us a chance to make an improved future. In short, despite making a tough choice that will not reach 100% approval by any means, Emerick did the best thing because the positives outweigh the negatives and give us a chance to make up some lost ground.

Most important of all, the eUS has freed itself up to keep fighting PEACE in more advantageous arenas. Because the violations of this NAP are fairly steep, we can send our military to fight PEACE in eSpain, support Resistance Wars (RW) against eRussia (as I am now), help the eCanadians regain their territories, and rollback PEACE in eRomania and eNorth Korea. We will also be able to do all of this while still maintaining our fully preserved fortresses at New Jersey and Florida (honestly, having two more Q5 hospitals will make our Reconquista much easier to achieve over the long term).

This NAP also guarantees that the eUS economy will most likely stabilize as a result of not facing any further loss of businesses. Consequently, we will be able to maintain productivity while still arming ourselves to keep fighting. We will also be able to continue promoting economic growth to provide for new defense systems if and when we regain our territories.

I am not fully supportive of the clause which requires us to pay for successful RWs, but this NAP at least gives us the chance to have a successful RW since we will no longer be required to protect our own borders. PEACE pushed us straight across the continental eUS, but at least now we have the ability to focus on regaining our own lands, as well as those of our allies, because we no longer need fear our borders further constricting. I am also not a fan of conceding Hawaii, California, and Alaska, but let us worry about that at a later date when we may be in a better position to renegotiate terms.

To the Critics
There are negatives and I am not saying that the NAP was perfect. Instead, I am saying that the change from the status quo will leave us better off in the long run, as the course of the war in the past several weeks only promised our country annihilation. People have said such things as "it's better to die standing than to live on one's knees," or that "we should have made peace when we had 40 regions," and I disagree with both. If we did the latter when we were still reasonably capable of winning, we would have looked like cowards; by fighting to the death we would have found ourselves occupied, disorganized, and hopeless. This NAP buys us time to find more advantageous means of realizing our goals and regaining our territories. You will notice that I never called it a "treaty," and all should realize that WE ARE NOT QUITTING OR TIRING in our quest to regain the eUS' territories and prestige. This NAP gives us a chance to keep fighting without risking further losses-- everyone should love that!

Many others are lambasting Emerick because of his "failed policies" and for being the same as Harrison Richardson; again, I disagree. Emerick has tried on several occasions to change our warfighting strategy (recall the Delaware-Pennsylvania situation which backfired because of the Admins) and has succeeded today. Instead of fighting a formalized war between us directly, Emerick has given us the chance to fight more of a guerrilla-style campaign which may have a greater chance of succeeding.

Give this plan a chance to work, my fellow eAmericans, instead of dooming it for failure from the start. The country needs us now, and I hope all will answer its call.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf