Why I Believe We Are Here.

Day 4,106, 10:00 Published in Canada Canada by grindarkly

Hello Eworld and Friends.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

I wish to give my opinion on why we are here and what captivates our attention.

I believe we are here in this game; (figuratively speaking of course), because the game has all the winning elements proven to work time after time. Also keeping in mind this particular game caters to a certain group of people.

We are offered levels of achievement with reward. Our level of commitment to reaching a high level make it impossible to abandon the hard work and time put in once achieved.

Environment being free to play as well as no strong obligatory expectations also makes it very inviting. Having a friendly environment, I think is a bonus achieved through the type of (intellectual) crowd as well as humanitarians pulled toward the nature of the game.(Conjecture, I know but it really looks that way to me.)

I think that now I'm in this sticky spider web I will be here for a while.

I think its a little like a finger trap. knowing how the trap works gives you control of freedom but playing is still amusing.

This whole thing has been written based on opinion mostly. but there are facts about our reactions to game environments as innocuous as they may seem that cannot be ignored.

I hope you've enjoyed the read. I wish you all great fun playing and achieving, as well as socializing in this great world of Erepublik.

