Why do you humans...

Day 3,915, 20:10 Published in Canada Italy by Mohawk Warrior

A long time ago, while drinking blood wine with a fellow Klingon, he told me of a tale his father told him. He said you humans actually care about animals more than your own species. He mentioned how you humans stole one of our birds of prey, just to go back in time to rescue a whale.

A whale.

So I thought "whatever, these humans are dumber than they look." But then my human wife wanted to go to a marine animal theme park. When we arrived there were protesters, I believe you call them, protesting against the park using animals for human entertainment. "Entertainment?", I thought? I was under the impression we were here to eat.

One of the protesters approached me and shouted "Animals are not for your entertainment!". Luckily for him I had left my bat'leth in my motor vehicle.
"Are you challenging me!" I replied, while clenching my teeth, as in my avatar.
"Uuhh, no but you should know this park doesn't take very good care of their animals." it said. "Animals are people too!" it continued to say.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A PEOPLE! I should rip your head off now and feed it to the animals you care so much about. Get out of my way now human!" I mentioned to him.

The entire protest quieted as my bird of prey decloaked above them. I pulled out my communicator and requested my 3rd officer beam the entire protest up, followed by me and my family.
"Lets go to a real marine park and see the animals." I said.

My ship took us to the arctic and we scanned a herd of killer whales. We found this herd was all starving and depressed, many having cancers caused by humans. We then scanned a pack of seals, which were suffering the same way. In fact every animal herd we scanned was this way.
"Do you see now, Humans? Do you see that these animals are suffering because of you? You have taken away their food supplies, tarnished their waters and hunted them since you were able to. The animals you keep in captivity do not suffer this way! Do you see now, human, how stupid you are? How hypocritical you are?"

The protesters were now all in tears, many on their hands and knees saying things like " but how could hillary loose?" and other such delusional things. I felt profound mercy and knew these humans will never learn.

I instructed my wife and kids to equip disruptors, and while they still wept, we vaporised them all. In my mind I knew we had done the right thing.


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