Welshman for Congress!

Day 1,189, 09:46 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

Ladies and Gentlemen of the United States, this month, i will be running for congres.

Why are you running for congress?
Simple. Because I love my country and i want to be more involved in it's government. Ever since I first faught in the battle of Russia months back, I've wanted to do whatever it takes to help this country be the best in the world. I've been in the military, i've done party jobs, i've been involved in 3 different multihunting orginazations, i'm curring a member of Seal Team 6, and now, I plan to be in congress.

Why should we elect you?
I plan to acomplish something big. Something that we've wanted for too long and didn't get. Something that we can actually change. I want to lower your taxes. Being a loyal employee as well as the owner of 4 companies, I know that right now, the economy isn't what it could be. You're struggling already, you don't need higher taxes to make it even worse on youselves. Elect me into congress and I promise to hunt down where in our budget cuts can be made and use it to lower your taxes.
You shouldn't have to struggle to make a profit from your companies just to have almost 1/4 of it taken away! You shouldn't have to work every day and still barely have enough money to keep your citizen alive! This is America! Land of the free! And in America, nobody should be struggling just to get by! Elect me to congress and I promise to do everything I can to change this great injustice!

If you like the idea of not having to struggle to make a profit and actually keep the money you make, than vote for me! I'll be running in Chongqing this month. When you vote, don't forget to vote for the guy wearing this avatar.

If you have any questions, just post them in a commnt and i'll try to answer them. Otherwise...