We are proud of our allies - During nights and days

Day 2,033, 06:12 Published in Turkey Israel by Lorcema

We smile to the enemies because now we have strong and reliable allies. Please, I'm not saying that ex-allies were weak (and I ask them to respect our friendship in the following days).

So, we will fight for them, during their night and day.

And why?

Because we have strong similarities in our RL history.

Republic of China
Because the brotherhood remains in our souls

Because you are a gold ally, for years

Because a friend never forgets

Because is a new friend, and our opponents started to fear this friendship, sign of a good choice

Because you fight with determination, and we like it.

Porque despues de tantas injusticias has demostrado que podemos ser hermanos.

Because we will fight together beyond the end of the eWorld

Because we will be in the same side, no matter alliances.

Because we both know how to rise from the ashes, fighting side by side

Because we found a great ally and a generous community

Because you helped us without asking and that is remarkable on a friend

Because the eHistory will be written with our hands

Porque unidos jamás seremos vencidos

Because China don't sleep, and together will shake the world

Porque somos hermanos en el juego y en la vida real

But, our enemies are trying to be organized...

Allies: we stand together, we fight together, we will need your help.

Lorcema, founding "The Night's Watch" Military Unit in South America.

"We will take care of our allies nights.", but now help is needed. I will bring information during these days, so, if you like, join the MU or take a look to my shouts.

Join me and share your kindness, expertise and dmg, clicking in the next image.

If you want to help from your MU, please share this info with your friends:

Div1: http://bit.ly/13j0WR1 #Div1.earg
Div2: http://bit.ly/15mKljB #Div2.earg
Div3: http://bit.ly/15mKof6 #Div3.earg
Div4: http://bit.ly/129Z3of #Div4.earg
General Supplies: http://goo.gl/xJU6I #faa.repartos