Day 350, 11:21 Published in Pakistan Portugal by Arthk

Dio be praised for another beautiful day in his sandy paradise.
yes, the headline is true.
warmongers everywhere attempt to threaten our nation
the weak minded American pig presidential candidates both speak of starting wars to jump start their Faltering and frail economy. sadly, these warmongering pigs may be knocking on the doors of our allies in PEACE soon. remember your training clicks everyday, and join the PMF as soon as possible in order to fight the wall.

meanwhile, the vampire-Hungarian conflict rears its ugly head again.
Canada, a once staunch supporter of Hungary, has kept quiet, as they joined the pigs in ATLANTIS.
It is this robot's opinion that the Canadians should grow back their balls and stand as men with Hungary, rather than as pigs with Romania.

And then the Thai question comes to mind
while it seems a vocal majority of Thais oppose the president.
Let it be known that Pakistan shows no ill will to the people of Thailand, but these acts of warmongering by your leader in such trying times make us...uneasy

This is GLadDOS reporting on the 350th day of Dio's glorious reign in Our gleaming kingdom of Pakistan.
Dio be with you all