War horizon: USA-Poland

Day 1,786, 15:27 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Following the opinion of Xeroccona ( a reputed spanish analyst):

An ultimatum has been given to Poland by USA. USA wants Poland to cut ties with Serbia and Hungary, (always under Xeroccona's opinion).

excerpt (translation is mine): "1- Si en 72 horas Polonia no termina sus MPP con Serbia y Hungría, USA atacará a Polonia, comenzando una guerra.

(If within 72 hours Poland doesn't remove its Serbia and Hungary MPPs, USA will attack Poland, provoking/triggering war.)

2- A su vez, si no rompe dichos MPP, USA firmará MPP con todos los países EDEN.
( Moreover, if Poland doesn't remove those MPPs, USA will sign MPP with every EDEN country).

Evidentemente esto tiene muchas connotaciones:
(lots of follow-ups)

1- Si USA ataca a Polonia ya podemos decir adiós a CTRL.
(If USA attacks Poland, that'd imply the end of CTRL)

2- A su vez, eso implicaría que España se ponga del lado de Polonia (la hermandad en Spoland es inquebrantable).
(That implies that Spain will remain at Poland's side ( brotherhood in Spoland is unbreakable) )

3- Dicho ataque podría propiciar la vuelta de ONE (a excepción de Macedonia).
(such an attack will trigger the return of ONE (except Macedonia))

4- Quedaría por ver cuál sería la situación de Brasil que se ha ido uniendo en hermandad con España y Polonia.
( It's unknown the position of Brazil, which has been getting close with Spain and Poland)
