Vreath says 'Thank you'

Day 1,230, 06:17 Published in Austria Austria by Vreath

sorry for writing in English only, but real life is quite annoying at the moment

Dear citizens of our beloved Austria!

A month has passed, a turbulent and exciting month. My first month as president. And what were the people who made this possible?
You, the public, the ones who gave me the opportunity to prove myself as the highest representative of our country. You, the ones, who were patient with me the whole month and who gave me pieces of advice and tried to help me carrying our beautiful, proud country into a good future. You, the ones who elected me.

Thank you!

I hope I have met your expectations and that you approve my presidental term. If not....*searches for rope and a hook*

And a big thanks goes out to all my cabinet members, who really helped me out a lot. It was a great pleasure to work with you and I am proud to say that we achieved many of the points which I wanted to achieve in my cabinet programme:

-We have boosted our economy with a Training War with Switzerland and the current MPP with Slovenia
-We have improved our relationships with our neighbours
-We have finally organized an Austrian Army, even with a Military Unit
-We have a safe country with regulated citizenships and an efficient and thrustful congress
-We have a stable, constant increasing treasury
-We have improved the 'community feeling' (forums [thanks to AlbertN], great Minister of Community work)
-We have managed to get new players into our country

Thank you, my cabinet!

But I must admit that we have not achieved this point: the stabilization of the monetary market. I must protect my Minister of Finances and Economy here, and say, that a stabilization of the Austrian monetary market would have only led to a useless gold-burning, and because of the constant changes of the admins, the monetary markets all over the world are everything...but not stable.
And the following sentece also sums the markets up: *bot detected*

Last but not least, I hope Albert Neurath will continue to work for the good of our country. I really trust in this guy and I hope you do this aswell. I will support him in his work in my position as Director of Defense, so you will still see me on the political scene of Austria!

But soon, the time will come when I will have to get off my comfortable presidental seat, and offer the seat to Albert. I wont do this with regret, but with optimism.

For Austria, for the good of our country!
Still Austrian President, but not for long 🙂