Vote for Prince A.Joseph in Ontario

Day 1,217, 09:03 Published in Canada USA by Prince A.Joseph

I been given the opportunity to run for Congress under the MOO banner in Ontario on the 25th of this month.

I’m here to sever you the people. what I can promise is commitment and dedication. Democracy can only be successful if the elected fulfill their duties, and by voting for me, I will fulfill my duties. I will be voting in all proposals, in-game and on the forum, take part in legislative discussions and to make sure that your voice is heard.

Also I will be bring Ask the Congress to eCanada, the credit go to Haliman
I will make sure the people in eCanada voice is heard. I will try my best to improve the lives of all eCanadians and will put your interests above everything else.

When I'm elected as congress, I will also donate gold to National Bank of Canada

Prince A.Joseph
Vote for Congress Ontario
If you need moving tickets(MT) let me know.