Vote for me or this country will go straight to hell

Day 3,301, 12:30 Published in Canada Canada by Riders of failure
1st, Mr. Boris Johnson successfully leads the UK out of that shithole called the EU

2nd, Mr Donald Trump successfully leads the US out of that shithole called the World

3rd, Mr. Mrischmasch successfully leads Canada out of the galaxy

(The establishment trying to stop me)

Cabinet and proposals (I know nobody reads this shit but whatever)


MoFA and First Lady: Clorofila (I'll bring her back from her exile in the Netherlands)

Mo😨 New Faustian Man (They call him "Mad Dog", he'll do it great)

Governor: (i don't know what this is but Punisher 1389 will be the best Governor ever)

First Minister: I don't know what this is either but D u k e A r i o c h looks like the best guy for the job

MoE: Molly Jo, she seems to like teaching and that stuff


I'll attack something and I'll win

Vote for me, it's gonna be awesome