use the force!

Day 1,106, 09:07 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Riaddenoe

pusing gara2 ulah mintot? hayuk bernyanyi bersama dulu biar semangat...

ane kasih lagu yg kurang dikenal tapi dari beat ama liriknya positif banget...

Jamiroquai - Use The Force

versi studio (bukan video klip original sih, soalnya emang gak ada 😛 )
versi live

okeh ini liriknya:

I must believe
I can do anything
I can heal anyone
I must believe
I am the wind (yeah)
I am the sea
I am the wind
I am the sea
I am the sun
I can be anyone

Oh this world is mine (this world is mine)
For all of time (for all of time)
I can turn any stone
Call any place my home
I can do anything

I know I'm gonna get myself together (yeah)
Use the force
I know I'm gonna work it out
Use the force
I know I'm gonna get myself ahead (yeah)
Use the force
Use the force

I can go eagle high
Circling in the sky
Learn to live my life (no)
I don't need to strife
I must believe (I must believe. I must believe)
I'm a rocketman (I must believe. I must believe)
I'm a superstar (I must believe. I must believe)
I can be anyone

I can step beyond
All of my boundaries (boundaries)
It won't be hard for me
To feel what there must be

I know I'm gonna get myself together (yeah)
Use the force
I know I'm gonna work it out
Use the force
I know I'm gonna get myself ahead (yeah)
Use the force
Use the force

I can do it
I can do anything
Anything Anything

ps: gak pake ancem2an untuk yg gak komen, gak vote, gak subscribe ato pun gak maho, soalnya emang ini artikel geje dibikin pas pusing ama ulah mintot otak-atik itu modul ekonomi sembarangan...

tambahan kuis: 1G untuk yg pertama bisa nebak itu entity description ane, ane quote darimana, dengan lengkap, hadiah ane kirim besok pagi wib, sekarang molor dulu...
* kuis dah ditutup, 1G direbut Gundala Kadut

tambahan lagi: silakan pertamax, gak ane ancem maho koq 😛

tambahan terakhir: ane bukan maho, entah yg pertamax XD