Update from the Treasury

Day 607, 22:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bank of England

Hello, citizens.

I like to make it a habit to keep individuals abreast of goings on in the Treasury. This will not be an in-depth policy announcement, though there will be one of those coming in the next few weeks. Rather, I just have a few items that I wish to pass along to the public.

We are going to restructure the Treasury team about in the next few weeks in anticipation of the creation and inception of the Reserve Bank of the UK and the following central banking apparatus. New titles, new jobs, and new responsibilities will soon be announced.

Central Banking
You may have noticed a marked lack of progress on this after the Reserve Bank Act was finally passed. That is because it has been on hold due to the developing global war. However, the large amount of legislation required to move to Step II in the process will soon be announced in Public Discussion. Many assumed that the previous act was all that there was, and despite many attempts to clarify this, the misconception survived. Hopefully, the second act will show the UK that the Treasury has a coherent plan to accomplish its goals.

The effects of the devaluation have largely been masked by the larger global conflagration. The monetary markets are seeing some interesting upheavals as demand for GOLD and GBP have changed drastically. The markets are holding at rather more stable intervals than originally expected, considering the circumstances. We began banding the exchange rate (the snake in the tunnel), before the wars began, however the onset of hostilities made it evidently clear that stability was to be sought after, and we have expanded our monetary market team.

This month, we are truly blessed with a good team, and I wanted to make sure they were listed. The titles will soon be changed, however I will list them as they now appear (and as they will be most recognizable to you).

Under Minister of Finance: Archerstorm (returned)
Apprentice: Huate
Apprentice: Deathtoll32
Apprentice: William Wilberforce (returned)

Thank you!
Arthur Wellesley
Chancellor of the Exchequer