UPDATE : Evry For Congress (Missouri)

Day 520, 14:42 Published in USA USA by Evry

Dear citizens of the State of Missouri,

Although you most likely do not know me, I come to you today with a purpose. I want you to elect me for congress on April 25th, 2009.

While it is true I may not be the most experienced person for the job, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this country needs a new direction.

The Conservative Party and myself hope to bring new ideas and new ways of doing things to the table. We wish that someday we will be able to have a highly efficient military, and one day become the strongest nation in the World.

Although it would be far fetched to claim or to promise this will happen in the following term if I am elected, I would like to suggest I can help us get to a point that we know what we need to do to achieve our goals.

One thing I can promise is accountability. I will publish my voting record on a periodic basis, informing you, my constituents, what I voted for and the final result of each bill I vote for. Please Subscribe to this newspaper if you wish to receive this record.

It has also come to my attention our economy isn't what it once was.

If I am elected to Congress I will hope to make the Import Tax high. A higher Income Tax will encourage businesses to buy from other American companies. This will further encourage more businesses to prosper and we will grow our economy.

I believe I am in the majority when I say that War Games are a great idea and should continue. They help advance our citizens as each fight produces Experience Points and also allows the citizen who is fighting to heal their wellness back up to 100, with no cost to them. Fighting is a must and War Games will hopefully be continued through the next term.

One last point that in my opinion needs making is gun companies.
What our country really needs is socialized gun companies that are owned by the government. These companies would be able to produce guns for the army at no profit considering they are owned by the government. This would dramatically lower the cost of weapons to the country and be extremely beneficial to keeping the cost of war lower, increasing our chances of winning any future conflicts we may have.

I sincerely hope you take the time to consider your vote in the upcoming election. I would truly appreciate it if you were to vote for me, EVRY for congress.

Thank you for your time in reading this message, and you consideration.

Please feel free to message me if you have any questions or if you'd like to friend request me.

I was recently endorsed by the NINE party convention, RightCon. Their endorsment can be found HERE.

Even if you aren't in Missouri, and don't wish to move here (though I'd appreciate it if you would), please vote for the candidates listed in that article! These candidates were selected for activity and (in the views of the convention) potential to be good representatives.