UPDATE : ElectionDay - BelgianParty !

Day 583, 06:31 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

UPDATE : ElectionDay - BelgianParty !

North region :

STOP voting for Tiboo !

Flemish region :

STOP voting for ThomasRed !

Brussels-Capital region :

STOP voting for Bicky !

Walloon region :

VOTE for vanouze !

West region :

VOTE for Polux2704 !

East region :

VOTE for Mayga !

South Region :

VOTE for Matmatah69 !
VOTE for Slivever !

JOIN #BelgianParty on irc.rizon.net and ask where you vote is needed !!
This article will also be updated...

President of the BelgianParty

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