UP here I come again

Day 1,877, 12:07 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Good day all

Okay well I’m back and ready to get moving on things. Things have changed around here quite a lot actually and my head is spinning from all the new happenings, but I have been reading loads to try see where things have gone.

What hasn’t changed is politics and party politics they are still only around election time. I have put a lot of thought into and have decided that I would like to run for party president of UP.

Why? It is quite simple, my reasons are.

Firstly it is my party that I worked on and spent every waking moment in this game to build something that would last the test of time something that would stand through the age an alternative to IA.

Secondly that I owe it to some people to prove that it can be what it set out to be a party for the people and the nation.

And we need it desperately something to talk about again. I hope you will be interested enough to join me on this journey of not only being in the no1 spot but to actually mean something.

Here I go to prove all this to you again

Here is a naartjie