UNOFFICIAL: DoD Orders Oct 28 [Day 708] - Attack Alaska, Get Free Weapons - READ

Day 708, 22:57 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

The eUSA has begun the Final Battle for American Liberation.
Victory will drive Hungary from the eUSA & North America.
Defeat will result in a continued Hungarian threat at our gates.


This is an unofficial variation of the Official Department of Defense Article;
published with permission from President Gaius Julius.

Please refer to these newspapers for official guidance:
1. President Gaius Julius: The Federalist Papers
2. Vice President Jewitt: The Jewitt Report
3. CJCS Eugene Harlot: The REAL DoD Orders
4. Secretary of Defense Kyle321n: Makin Movies, Makin Songs

Should you need weapons:
1. Weapons Request Thread for Alaska.
2. Also, for new readers, subscribe to this paper, send me a message w/ your sub #, and I'll send you a Q1 Weapon.

Should you wish to donate to the war effort:
1. To support young citizens, give to the USA Welcoming Committee.
2. To support old tanks, give to the 1st Armored Division.

Important DoD Information:

The Department of Defense is no longer under eUSA administrative control. Any shout and/or press release by this organization is to be ignored if it conflicts with orders published in the newspapers listed above. There is no further information available on the situation, but it is of the utmost importance that this article be in the Top 5 and any DoD-replacement articles which may follow in the near future.

Battle Orders

Day One
1. Fight once
2. Gift 10 wellness*
3. Fight 5 Times
4. Heal using your hospital
5. Fight 5 times, down to wellness of 50.**

Day Two
1. Fight once
2. Heal using your hospital
3. Gift yourself*
4. Fight 6 times down to 40-49 wellness
5. Hold fire

Day Three
1. Fight once as directed
2. Heal using your hospital
3. Hold fire until directed otherwise.

* Depending on your financial situation, you may or may not be able to do this.
** If you have a Q5 house, buy Q5 food. Fight an extra time to a total of 6 addition hits.

Let's meet our Hungarian friends on the Battlefield of Alaska. o7

Citizen Max McFarland 2