Tycoon Pack ~ What is it worth?

Day 2,645, 08:35 Published in USA USA by The Mike

I think this is the second time Plato is offering a Tycoon Pack and that this time it looks a bit differently. I'll take the time to show you my calculations, about what it is worth and will share my opinion if it's worth paying 10 euros for this pack.

(1) 20 Gold
Current rate is $219 but it may rise a bit as a result of people utilizing the 50g/day donation limit.

(2) 150 Work Tickets
Every employer receives a work ticket when his or hers employee works. So, you'll get 150 'works' (one of those things that many of us had thousands of in store). The highest salary is in Romania - $64.50

(3) 20% base productivity bonus
Most of the relevant countries now have 100% bonus in the industry of their choosing, USA have 100% in all the three industries. So, if you buy the Tycoon Pack, this bonus will increase to 120%. I produce 60k WRM a day, this will increase by 6k, or $120 in daily income.

(4) 50 gold daily limit of donations
That thing that is now limited to 10 gold a day, will be limited to 50. Given the current profitability from the companies and how hard it is to make more than 5-10g a day profit (I'm nowhere near that). So, unless you aren't sitting on a pile of cash (like a million or two), I won't be putting a price tag on this option.

Given that Plato cannot into proper spelling and grammer, maybe the game administration is finding it hard also to do simple maths.

$219 * 20 = $4,380
$64.5 * 150 = $9,675
$120 * 7 = $840

A total benefit of: $14,895 or let's just say 15k

The other packs also cost 10 euros. Based on my shoutfeed, people buy packs for other people for the price of ~25k cc. A friend might make you a discount and agree to 20k. But some even pay 30-35k, so let's stick to the 25k.

So, we are paying 25k to get something worth 15k.
Unless you don't value the 50g limit too much, I wouldn't advise for spending the 10 euros for a Tycoon Pack.

Thanks for reading! 🙂

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