To the Victor Goes the Spoils

Day 634, 20:25 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

(EDIT: Glad this will not be what the country faces for at least another month. Congrats to Jaxon Leith!)

As this title indicates, I am congratulating Ajay Bruno a little early on his hotly-contested victory to remain the Party President (PP) of the pariah Conservative Victory Party (CVP). The congratulations end here, though, in the hopes that his reelection will be prevented long before his new term becomes official. Ajay will certainly continue to use the position to his advantage at the expense of those who voted for him, as his use of party funds (some of which came from his fellow CVP members running against him) to fuel his own reelection-- perhaps you've seen the ads-- shows that he is familiar with how to abuse power.

A supporter of Ajay Bruno told me on Election Day that he voted for Ajay because “well, Ajay's been the CVP Pres. for the past 2 or 3 elections I believe and look where he's gotten it.” My friend, I am looking. I see a party which commands no respect beyond its membership; a party whose membership was inflated with outsiders brought in (bribed in some cases) to support Ajay and concerned eUS citizens working to prevent that from happening; and a party which CANNOT POSSIBLY be conservative if they really spent nearly their ENTIRE gold reserves on Ajay's reelection. Because of Ajay Bruno, this party will not have any more growth. The leader you reelected has exhausted the party’s budget on himself and will no longer be able to spam the eRep advertising boards with propaganda lambasting the country’s war effort, and other eAmerican political leaders, in order to entice more voters with opaque promises without substance or direction. RL politics are very different, but Ajay Bruno would probably be impeached, removed from office, and likely face legal actions for this outrageous abuse of power and manipulation of the country’s democracy.

It is a shame that the CVP will not receive new leadership this month, and that the eUS will have to try and progress despite a PP who is only interested in advancing himself and oblivious of working for a common good. Now more than ever, the eUS needs dedicated leaders who will work for causes greater than themselves and will not pursue division and contempt amongst each other. Ajay’s abuse of funds, extortion, false advertising, and possible use of multiple accounts-- all for his benefit-- shows that one party involved in the rebuilding of the eUS will NOT be the CVP, because its current leader is too self-absorbed and disinterested in working with other officials. Ajay's sole motivation is himself, and his ruling style would be unquestionably authoritarian.

I take away one more lesson from this election, and that is the abuse of patriotism for personal gain. Ajay speaks of eAmerican values when they agree with his own; he waves the American flag only when people are looking, but replaces it with his own banner when they are not. His manipulation of these great symbols and ideals easily deceive the untrained eye and New World newcomer-- so to the rest of the eWorld, we owe it to ourselves to guarantee that Ajay is not allowed to disseminate this deception any further, so that real and well-intentioned leaders may rise above Ajay’s despicable behavior. We need leaders who put their country ahead of themselves and are capable of following the country when not elected to lead. If there is anything in this article which cannot be disputed, it is that Ajay’s past behavior does not suggest that he is what we need.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf