This week in eBelgium, Day 981

Day 981, 13:28 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ
Hello, eBelgium!

It has been very quiet in the streets of eBelgium with many of our active citizens on holiday, but eLife goes on, and there have been some changes of note. Of great interest, to me at least, was our recent congressional election. Participation was so low that everyone who ran got a seat, even those who received no votes (and apparently they did not vote for themselves), and still some seats remain empty. Let's take a look at the official results:

There was a total of 102 votes, calculated at 12.94% presence, a pretty poor showing by any standard. Of these, 68 votes were cast in Brussels (21.52% presence), 23 in Flanders (43.40😵, and 11 in Wallonia (21.15😵. Broken down by party and region, they were cast this way:

Belgium for Belgians (11 seats, 40😵
Brussels (32 of 68 votes, 47.1😵
Sandy x3: 15
oXyTeC: 9
Kelo-san: 5
wolf-stone: 3

Flanders (15 of 23 votes, 65.2😵
Hugo Lilly: 5
wazowzky: 5
Velitia: 5

Wallonia (7 of 11 votes, 63.6😵
vanouze: 4
Blackshark: 3
ego_zero: 0
Goran73: 0

Res Belgica (6 seats, 22😵
Brussels (14 of 68 votes, 20.6😵
MaryamQ: 9
Ragoth: 5

Flanders (2 of 23 votes, 8.7😵
Mike Wooldridge: 1
Xgentis Lempereur: 1

Wallonia: (1 of 11 votes, 9.1😵
Helviro: 1
Stijn Bruggen: 0

Belgian Communist Party (4 seats, 14😵
Brussels (14 of 68 votes, 20.6😵
A Vegan: 8
Theneka: 4
Mick Sojmatoze: 2

Wallonia (2 of 11 votes, 18.2😵
Radakovic Nemanja: 2

The Free Belgium Party (4 seats, 14😵
Brussels (8 of 68 votes, 11.8😵
IP_Kevin: 6
Olivier De Commogne: 2

Flanders (6 of 23 votes, 26.1😵
Stilpo: 5
Johannes Nuntiator: 1

Belgian Socialist Party (2 seats, 7😵
Flanders (0 of 23 votes, 0😵
Den Geus: 0

Wallonia (1 of 11 votes, 9.1😵
Kylero: 1

Although statistics are not particularly meaningful with such a low number of participants, it is clear that Belgium for Belgians is still a strong presence in all regions, but it should be noted that the majority of their votes in Brussels went to Sandy x3 and Kelo-san, neither of whom actively participates in Congress. It is also noteworthy that the Belgian Communist Party and Belgian Socialist Party have claimed a combined total of 6 seats, equal to Res Belgica, which is also traditionally leftward leaning. It remains to be seen how this will affect the actual course of events in eBelgium, but it certainly should make for some interesting debates, especially since a couple of the newer members from Belgium for Belgians have also shown some leftist tendencies. If you want to be part of this debate, please be sure to participate in the national forums and make your voice heard, as well as here in the media, where you can comment or, better yet, publish your own articles.

One final note: Our beloved Aldous was sighted in eBelgium briefly shortly before the elections, and assured us that he was here in spirit. Was this only a manifestation to the faithful, or is he preparing all of us for his return? Keep watching, and find out for yourself!