This Week in eBelgium, Day 1039

Day 1,039, 13:34 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ
Hello, eBelgium,

Here we are yet again with congressional elections upon us, and some of our old familiar faces are no longer among us, while some of the candidates are very new and unknown. There is activity on the national forum, including a recent vote for a training war, but many of those previously elected are among the missing. Some of these will not run again, but you should be aware of some of them who are running while showing no inclination to serve you. While I will leave it to the consciences of BfB, BCP and UBIP to tell you which of their candidates should be supported and why, I do have comments about two parties' candidates that I hope you will consider carefully.

For Res Belgica, which this last month was the only party to have full participation in the national forum and the only one to have all those elected sign in and donate their congressional treasure map gold, we have some unofficial candidates this month, and this is why.

Our approved candidates in Brussels are Xgentis L[empereur, Jacob van Artevelde, and MaryamQ; in Flanders, Mike Wooldridge; and in Wallonia, Sammy Tanghe, Helviro and stonix. These are all proven candidates who have been previously elected and have been active on party and national forums, and all deserve your support. The unofficial candidates are Kabouter_wesley and Jorge44842, both of whom have previously been elected under another party's banner and have not participated in the business of the country while in office, as well as Funmaker and Daniel Trump, both of whom are completely unknown to the members of the party, having not participated at all on the party or national forums or published anything in the media. While there is certainly room for new players in our national politics, we have to suppose that a vote for any of these four would be wasted, and considering recent takeover attempts in eBelgium, possibly dangerous.

This leads to my comments on the remaining party, Socialist Party of Belgium, formerly The Free Belgium Party. After recruitment articles in the media, they have published a slate of candidates consisting of SpreXX in Brussels, boyty in Flanders and Ivan Alexashenko in Wallonia. boyty was elected last month and has not participated in congressional business at all. SpreXX is a Turkish immigrant who was elected to Congress in Sweden last month, somehow obtained citizenship in eBelgium without the approval of a member of Congress, and is the current PP of SPoB, having changed the party's name and political ideals upon his election. Ivan is a recent immigrant from Hungary, having been admitted to citizenship by boyty. Without making accusations, I think these circumstances should make loyal eBelgians extremely wary of voting for any of these candidates.

Finally, I again invite you to come to the national forum and see what is happening there. You should be aware that, with a citizen mask, you can see and even comment on congressional debates, as well as general discussions and games. See for yourself what is going on, and vote wisely!