Thinking about moving to the USA.

Day 3,764, 03:27 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Although I'm rather fond of some players here, Huey, for example, and accostumed to the weird sense of humour of others (Wayne), or even to the traditional position of abuse/power of others (Jamesw), and many others I won't mention ...
the question is that eUK is a rather boring place in the cultural sense.
It's true that a UKRPish, woldean atmosphere of elitist etonish club does exist, and you can join. But the media, for example, is not supported as, for example, the fight strikes, even if it's pointless since it all boils down to frag + some call to allies ( who really fight for eUK).

Things won't change in eUK never, and two or three cicles of power will be holding it ... no matter how bored and minuscule the eUK becomes. The only 'excitement' arises (arised) from the treasury thefts, and the (failed) attempts to grasp power from others.

I do not know how eUSA is,but their media is alive, and that's , I think, the more interesting thing this game retains. Since I'm lagging behind 5 years and 1000 euros/dollars of balcanic investment in this game. And I am not eager to try to imitate such a waste of money (and life).