The WRP - You can j oin us - Or don't... Your Choice.

Day 1,907, 13:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

Looking at the party recruitment articles in the new players section has made me copy make one of my own.

I won't make this article have flashy colours and promise things which will never happen.I won't buy votes to get this to number 1,or sling mud at other parties...

This article is all about The Worker's Rights Party,if you have read this far down,I'm guessing your not stupid,because if you were,you would have gone 'No pictures,boring' and just gone elsewhere.The Worker's Rights Party is not big,and they haven't taken the eUK by storm.We are not in the top 5.But I can tell you one thing for sure.We are proud,we support our friends,whether they be our own or other parties.We stand for reason and calm in a sea of rampant war.We stand for intelligence,in a world of belligerence and morons.We stand for equality for every citizen,rich or poor,fighter or two-clicker,famous or unknown.We may not have hard-line policies at the moment,but that gives us the chance to question our own opinions.Do we want war? Do we want high taxes? We can be unbiased as a party,and look at the facts.Not just our own political beliefs.As the title implies.You can join us,or don't.I won't promise you a commune job,I won't promise a revolution to politics.I will promise however,that your voice shall be heard.When we decide on policies,you have as much power to vote as any other member.Whether they be a member,or a PP.If you stand for a voice of reason in a pit of shouting and cynicism.Join The Worker's Rights Party.We'd love to have you with us...