The WRP - Come Onboard!

Day 1,920, 11:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

Hello to you all,whether you are old or new.If you are reading this article.You obviously want to know about The WRP,or The Worker's Rights Party.Unless you just clicked this randomly.Either way,Hi 🙂

What do we want for the eUK?

We want equality for all parties.To put old feuds between parties in the past where they belong.So we can focus on the bigger picture.

We want everyone to earn as much as they can.Keeping our taxes low for the Hardworking populous of the eUK.

We want to make sure our citizens can sell the goods they produce easily.To do this we will put import taxes as high as we can. (Except for weapons)

We want not just peace in our own political system.But peace with everyone we can.We should focus on defending ourselves instead of attacking others.Then we can be prepared to defend our nations from a foreign threat.

For military,we would follow a example which our eIndonesian friends use.They have a Military Unit for each division.This would make it easier for us to coordinate damage to where it's needed.

All of our members are friendly people,If you aren't a friendly person.Please don't join.We want to be a party of people who respect each other and others aswell.

If you want to get involved in politics.We can help you.

If you want to join us,here is our party link.

However,i'd like to say.Whether you are with us or with any other party in the eUK. Welcome to the eUK,and good luck in your endeavors.

Thanks to Dr Hugh Jardon for the awesome graphics!
And thank you all for reading!