The POTUS debate

Day 2,082, 15:35 Published in USA USA by HeapSeppo
I would like to thank the people in We The People for organizing this and special thanks to Irule777 and Custer who hosted it.

2 days ago there was a presidential debate in We The People's irc channel, 4 candidates were invited to participate. Sadly Dr Luis Sentierio could not make it so we had 3 participants: NewAzazel, Oblige and myself.

The point was as with any debate, to show what politics each candidate run with to help the voters decide who they want as their candidate.

As not everyone could attend this debate I decided to post it in this article so that everyone can read it. I have edited out all the join and quits, if any candidate feel like I have accidentally removed some of their answers please point it out so that this can be fixed. If someone would like the raw log instead, please PM me and we will sort it out.

Enjoy the read!

(02:07:1😎 (&Irule777) Alright, we're going to begin now
(02:07:41) (&Irule777) Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the first We the People IRC Presidential Debate. I?m Irule777, the moderator for tonight?s debate. Throughout this debate, the candidates will be asked questions that have been pre-created, or come from the audience. None of the candidates have had prior access to these questions, nor have they been informed of the topics which have been selected by myself and my other moderator for tonig
(02:09:05) (@Custer) other moderator for tonight, George Armstrong Custer.
(02:09:13) (@Custer) Good afternoon-evening, America, and welcome to the August 2013 Presidential Debate.
(02:09:32) (@Custer) I’m George Armstrong Custer, and I’m here to help move things along. This debate is brought to you by the We The People Party and moderated by Irule777.
(02:09:42) (@Custer) Presidential candidates participating in this debate are: Dr Luis, New Azazel, and Heap Seppo, and we expect Oblige to join us a little late due to RL shit.
(02:09:52) (@Custer) So, here’s the format for tonight’s debate:
(02:09:57) (&Irule777) DLS being hopeful now :3
(02:10:09) (@Custer) 1. Opening Statements from each candidate (5 Minutes roughly). at this time, when you are introduced, please post the link to your newspaper on the board.
(02:10:21) (@Custer) 2. A few moderator questions cycling around throughout all the candidates for answer. (30 minutes roughly)
(02:1😇1) (@Custer) 3. Questions from the Audience at that point to be chosen through query from the moderator. (20 minutes roughly)
(02:10:44) (@Custer) 4. Closing statements (5 minutes roughly)
(02:11:02) (@Custer) and with that, I give you your Moderator, Irule777.
(02:11:14) (&Irule777) Debate rules for each candidate are fairly simple
(02:12:11) (&Irule777) We're going to start off with our first question now
(02:12:22) (&Irule777) The recent leaking of the Imperium Alliance Founders, Charter, etc, (you get the point) has brought up different Foreign Policy points of view from each candidate.
(02:12:42) (&Irule777) Do you personally plan to push the United States closer to Imperium, keep us with CoT, or do something different? And why is your plan the best for this nation?
(02:12:53) (&Irule777) Seppo will receive the first answer
(02:12:59) (+Seppo) Hello
(02:13:10) (&Irule777) And I just butchered the opening statements :3
(02:13:16) (+Seppo) Yes you did, bad Irule777.
(02:13:17) (&Irule777) Well
(02:13:19) (&Irule777) Awkward
(02:13:22) (&Irule777) Seppo, opening statement 😛
(02:13:22) (@Custer) take a minute to introduce yourself Seppo
(02:13:25) (+Seppo) I'll just do that instead.
(02:13:42) (+Seppo) Hello my name is HeapSeppo ingame, I am a SO of SEAL Team 6.
(02:14:01) (+Seppo) I came to eUS about a year ago after having a pretty active political life in eSweden.
(02:14:34) (+Seppo) During my 6 starting months there I managed to get into congress 6 times, speaker of the congress 4 times, MoFA once and vCP twice.
(02:15:15) (+Seppo) Sweden sadly got extremely boring after awhile, not many people around, no active people to help so I decided to move here to the eUS after getting accepted into ST6.
(02:15:52) (@Custer) that's some resume, Seppo. when did you move to the eUS, and why? (unabashed patriotic pandering, here)
(02:15:52) (+Seppo) I haven't been very political active here but that's something I want to change.
(02:16:10) (+Seppo) Last august Custer.
(02:16:20) (+Seppo) And been loving it ever since.
(02:17:15) (+Seppo) Due to the recent events I decided it was time to pick up my political carieer.
(02:17:35) (+Seppo) And here we are, hopefully I can make something fun happening this month for the eUS.
(02:17:44) (+Seppo) That's it.
(02:17:47) (&Irule777) Awesome
(02:17:4😎 (@Custer) newspaper articles, platform and cabinet, etc.? link to newspaper?
(02:17:53) (+Seppo)
(02:18:16) (&Irule777) NewAzazel
(02:18:1😎 (@Custer) excellent. thanks, Seppo. ZewAzazel, you're up next.
(02:18:44) (@Custer) ^ rented fingers do it every time
(02:19:41) (&GeorgeWashington) [Oblige|iPhone] Your words will never fade away.
(02:19:47) (&Irule777) There he is
(02:20:02) (~Oblige|iPhone) It is I
(02:20:03) (+NewAzazel) oh, my turn to introduce
(02:20:05) (~Oblige|iPhone) Daniel the Whale
(02:20:14) (&Irule777) NewAzazel, you're up for an opening statement
(02:21:03) (+NewAzazel) Hi, I'm NewAzazel, I've previously been Secretary of Media for 2 terms, vMoFA for 3, MoFA for 1, an advisor position in several administrations, and CoT military commander for one term.
(02:21:25) (+NewAzazel) I've also served in congress 3 terms and I'm currently an advisor there as well
(02:21:59) (+NewAzazel)
(02:22:12) (+NewAzazel) that is my newspaper, I'm unsure what else I should introduce
(02:22:19) (&Irule777) You're fine
(02:22:21) (&Irule777) Oblige|iPhone
(02:22:27) (&Irule777) You're up for an opening statement
(02:22:2😎 (~Hale26) .devoice PanchoVilla
(02:22:45) (~Oblige|iPhone) I am Oblige
(02:22:56) (@Custer) if Dr Luis is here that's work.. Oblio is on his phone, to be at a laptop in a few minutes
(02:23:19) (~Oblige|iPhone) If not I can go
(02:23:27) (&Irule777) DLS isn't here, so Oblige|iPhone go ahead
(02:23:32) (~Oblige|iPhone) Ok
(02:24:40) (~Oblige|iPhone) I'm Oblige and to the best of my knowledge I'm the only player with a TechCrunch article written about them. I've been called a "whale" but I actually wear that as a badge of honor because it speaks to my dedication as a player.
(02:25:40) (~Oblige|iPhone) I've been President for four terms, during which time the eUSA was at the zenith of our power both foreign and domestic. We had 100/100 bonuses and wiped 15 countries in our enemy alliance for Congressional Elections.
(02:27:02) (~Oblige|iPhone) I've also been Secretary General of Terra for 4 months. Domestically I am in Congress and on SCI now and have also served - 13?? other terms.
(02:27:45) (~Oblige|iPhone) In addition to that I'm the Commanding Officer of the Special Forces, have been Secretary of State 4 times and Secretary of Defense once
(02:28:54) (~Oblige|iPhone) I'm running for President because, no offense to the previous admins, but the last two months have been absolute crap and we need to turn this boat around.
(02:29:32) (~Oblige|iPhone) Oh, I was also Party President of We the People for one term.
(02:29:41) (~Oblige|iPhone) And probably some other stuff which I forget.
(02:29:47) (&Irule777) Awesome
(02:30:01) (&Irule777) (02:30:06) (~Oblige|iPhone) Thank you
(02:30:24) (~Oblige|iPhone) Normally I would do a lot of cross linking but my ability to do that will be limited
(02:3😇0) (&Irule777) I am going to ask candidates to keep answers fairly short, but detailed still, so we can move quickly
(02:30:42) (&Irule777) Trying not to kill you all of boredom 😛
(02:30:50) (~Oblige|iPhone) That was short for me : (02:30:52) (&Irule777) Alright, Question 1
(02:30:57) (~Oblige|iPhone) ~whale noises~
(02:30:59) (&Irule777) The recent leaking of the Imperium Alliance Founders, Charter, etc, (you get the point) has brought up different Foreign Policy points of view from each candidate.
(02:31:05) (&Irule777) Do you personally plan to push the United States closer to Imperium, keep us with CoT, or do something different?
(02:31:09) (&Irule777) and why is your plan the best for this nation?
(02:31:11) (&Irule777) NewAzazel
(02:31:14) (&Irule777) You're up first to answer
(02:31:20) (+NewAzazel) sweet
(02:31:5😎 (+NewAzazel) Well first I must say that I was involved in Imperium negotiations as vMoFA this term and I have no intention of decreasing coordination with our allies involved in that venture. Croatia, Brazil, Albania, B&H have all shown dedication to us and us in return, and there is no questioning our loyalty to them regardless of our path.
(02:32:20) (&Irule777) Wasn't him 😛
(02:32:27) (&Irule777) Continue, lol
(02:32:45) (+NewAzazel) That being said, I believe staying in CoT is our current best course. The eUS has bluntly gained a reputation abroad as being a bit of a jumper in regards to alliances. When things don’t happen to go our way we seek a way out or to cause a stir, leading countries to not fully enjoy involvement with us. We need to learn to settle down and earn respect.
(02:32:50) (&GeorgeWashington) [Oblige] Your words will never fade away.
(02:33:26) (+NewAzazel) CoT made a gamble on us, as much as us to them, and we have yet to see our cooperation end. Despite our dealings, we have yet to give up on each other. We’ve seen traditional enemies like Indonesia and MKD grow close, regained friendship with Chile and Bulgaria, and brought in older allies with Russia and Germany.
(02:33:57) (+NewAzazel) I believe we should be with CoT so long as these countries seek to be involved as well. We can work on our relationships with countries outside CoT while remaining loyal to our commitment to the alliance.
(02:33:59) (+NewAzazel) fin
(02:34:02) (&Irule777) Awesome
(02:34:09) (&Irule777) Seppo, you're next to Answer
(02:35:06) (+Seppo) The plan is to slowly move away from CoT. My goal is to get better relations with the countries we currently have treaties with, Russia, Croatia and Brazil. I want to see us signing another one with Albania as well as these are the countries that we can always depend on. I want to tie all these countries together to create something strong. My goal is to one day have a brolliance with Mexico, Croatia, Russia, Albania and Brazil.
(02:35:4😎 (+Seppo) This does not mean that we are going to cut all ties off and just say good bye, some countries that we are close to should of course be close still, but we do not really fit together as an alliance.
(02:36:32) (+Seppo) There has been a big "me me me me" mentality lately in CoT which has caused some rather sour losses.
(02:37:06) (+Seppo) Of course this might get solved, we will see how the next set of CPs are before I can make the 100% decision.
(02:37:50) (+Seppo) Another country that I think we should work with closely as well is Germany, they got great potential.
(02:38:20) (+Seppo) fin
(02:38:30) (@Custer) thank you, Seppo
(02:39:32) (@Custer) Oblige, do you have the first question, or need it repeated?
(02:39:39) (@Oblige) I am set right now
(02:39:44) (&Irule777) Awesome, Oblige you're up
(02:40:02) (@Oblige) Cool
(02:40:09) (@Oblige) Actually it looks like I'll be back on mobile in a moment xD
(02:40:15) (@Oblige) ok though
(02:4😇7) (@Oblige) International affairs have been a huge cluster for the eUSA right now, and to be rather frank since the abortion of CTRL
(02:41:29) (@Oblige) Since Terra we really have not found a place that is our own in the international community and that's something that's been felt by a large portion of our player base. You can see it on the battlefield every day, where it's become not uncommon to see American soldiers fighting each other on the same battlefield.
(02:42:30) (@Oblige) Numerous polls have shown we're basically 30/30/30 split between CoT, TWO, Neutral or whatever
(02:43:21) (@Oblige) And our reputation has also gone to crap since we're now seen as an alliance hoping country.
(02:43:56) (@Oblige) When I was CP we were literally considered one of the best and most loyal allies in the world and my plan is for that perception to return.
(02:45:17) (@Oblige) My course of action would be twofold, first to send special envoys to the countries that were reluctant to join Imperium, Hungary, Poland and Spain, as well as China, to see if it's even possible for us to recreate an alliance that would be filled both with countries that we were close with and that does considerable damage.
(02:46:39) (@Oblige) Second though, and equally important is to shore up Circle of Trust. It's no secret now that CoT HQ is pants on head retarded, and even when we have a compotent SC or MC, they're basically crippled by the alliance charter and staffing issues. Americans, on the other hand, are f'ing awesome at running alliances. Basically I propose an American influx to CoT HQ to stabilize that organization and try to regroup, showing our commitment to the military prios
(02:46:39) (@Oblige) and demonstrating what excellent allies we can be.
(02:46:39) (@Oblige) Fin
(02:46:46) (&Irule777) Awesome
(02:46:4😎 (&Irule777) First off
(02:46:55) (&Irule777) #Debate-Discussion is for anyone who can't talk in here
(02:47:00) (@potato134) I'm in CoT HQ
(02:47:00) (&Irule777) to just, talk about answers as you like
(02:47:02) (@potato134) ;_;
(02:47:05) (&Irule777) potato134 no
(02:47:07) (@potato134) I'm not fucking retarded
(02:47:09) (@potato134) ;_;
(02:47:15) (&Irule777) Now
(02:47:1😎 (@Oblige) Ok
(02:47:21) (@Oblige) I need to hope back on mobile
(02:47:41) (&Irule777) Now we're going to let the candidates ask each other questions on their plans for this for a few minutes before we move on
(02:47:50) (@Custer) Dr Luis was late arriving
(02:47:59) (&Irule777) since foreign policy is one of the important topics we're trying to hit on tonight
(02:48:14) (@Custer) no.. silly me.. I'm fucking senile
(02:48:19) (&Irule777) lol
(02:48:24) (&Irule777) NewAzazel
(02:48:36) (&Irule777) When Oblige returns, anything to say on Oblige's or Seppo's plans
(02:48:44) (&Irule777) so, you know, wait three secs :3
(02:48:51) (+NewAzazel) let me think, I wasn't told to prepare questions myself
(02:48:59) (&Irule777) That's the fun part 😛
(02:50:19) (&Irule777) Seppo, you'll also be up after NewAzazel
(02:50:24) (&Irule777) so have a question prepared if you want to ask one
(02:50:45) (+NewAzazel) Ok, I guess I can ask questions about my concerns. Seppo, how do we maintain the US's credibility abroad should we leave CoT, and continue having the opportunity to get damage from top CoT countries (that we will need if we can't get Spoland/China/etc)?
(02:51:22) (+Seppo) Friends come above everything.
(02:52:05) (+Seppo) We can't stay in an alliance where the only reason we got in was for our damage. Where countries gets left behind while some countries fight for themselves almost exclusivly.
(02:52:11) (&GeorgeWashington) [Oblige|iPhone] Your words will never fade away.
(02:53:24) (+Seppo) We are not going to just cut all ties and move on, some times are worth to hold on to. I don't know about others but I think this game is a lot more fun when we're fighting with friends rather than just being that european night time heavy hitter that is there to win battles while they sleep.
(02:53:47) (+Seppo) Which is why I think that we should move closer towards the countries that we consider "Bros".
(02:53:50) (+Seppo) Fin
(02:53:53) (&Irule777) Alright
(02:54:02) (&Irule777) Naz, you can either followup on seppo or ask oblige something
(02:54:42) (+NewAzazel) I don't want to cause a back-and-forth so no follow-up.
(02:54:46) (+NewAzazel) I don't really have a question for Oblige's FA, since it is quite similar to mine.
(02:54:5😎 (&Irule777) Darn, we're hoping for Drama :3
(02:55:09) (&Irule777) Seppo, you may now ask Oblige or Naz a question about their FA plans
(02:56:14) (+Seppo) Oblige: How are you going to get the 60% that you stated did not support CoT, to follow it.
(02:57:00) (~Oblige|iPhone) I don't believe that you can force people to do anything, but prior to Terra we re, for instance, fierce enemies with Brazil
(02:57:1😎 (~Oblige|iPhone) Now they are one of our closest allies
(02:57:51) (~Oblige|iPhone) What needs to be done is that we need to invest the blood sweat and tears to build relations with the counties in CoT our populace isn
(02:57:53) (~Oblige|iPhone) Close with
(02:57:55) (~Oblige|iPhone) Isn't close with
(02:58:03) (~Oblige|iPhone) Sorry, still on mobile
(02:59:00) (&Irule777) done oblige?
(03:00:23) (@Custer) we're at the one-hour mark and about to hit Question 2.. we all need to pick up some speed, we've a long way to go.
(03:0😇5) (+Seppo) I'll just go ahead and ask NAZ
(03:0😇😎 (&Irule777) Yeah, we're going to be skipping some questions 😛
(03:00:5😎 (+NewAzazel) ask me what?
(03:01:10) (+Seppo) NAZ: We have been suffering from pretty sever lack of communication both within the governement and to the public. What do you plan to do to solve this?
(03:01:31) (&Irule777) Um, Foreign Affairs plans only 😛
(03:01:37) (&ilphen) 😮
(03:01:39) (+Seppo) :c
(03:01:44) (+Seppo) Okay no questions then.
(03:01:47) (&ilphen) May I
(03:01:47) (&Irule777) Awesome
(03:01:49) (&ilphen) ?
(03:01:53) (&Irule777) no ilphen
(03:01:55) (&Irule777) Oblige|iPhone
(03:01:55) (&ilphen) one question
(03:02:01) (&Irule777) Questions for naz or Seppo
(03:02:04) (&ilphen) related to foreign affairs
(03:02:17) (&Irule777) No
(03:02:21) (@Custer) PM me, your question, ilphen
(03:03:0😎 (&Irule777) Alright, no oblige question then 😛
(03:03:23) (&Irule777) We're going to do another question now
(03:03:30) (&Irule777) I ask candidates, please, let's speed it along 😛
(03:03:42) (&Irule777) Throw a little drama in this :3
(03:03:4😎 (&Irule777) This will be a fairly simple question. War plans, sup y?all?
(03:03:54) (&Irule777) NewAzazel, you're up first
(03:03:56) (&ilphen) HAHAHAHA
(03:04:00) (&ilphen) sorry i'll shut up
(03:04:25) (@henryfrench) someone needs to talk
(03:04:27) (+NewAzazel) ok
(03:05:19) (+NewAzazel) well, most recently you've seen the large attack against Serbia, though to be fair, the MU contest gets more credit than US planning, we honestly got lucky.
(03:05:54) (+NewAzazel) It's going to take top coordination with MUs, alliances working together, and bluntly a bit of money to get us out.
(03:07:1😎 (+NewAzazel) I intend to bring all who I can to the table to work on this, as well as seeking diplomatic options that could aid us in that attempt. Do I have a set plan? No. I don't know what situation we'll have in 6 days, but I'll keep watch on it and make sure I'm ready to face it.
(03:07:32) (+NewAzazel) fin
(03:07:42) (&Irule777) Awesome, seppo you're up for defense plans
(03:07:52) (+Seppo) The war plan is to kick out enemies one by one of course. We need to start with the weakest one first, lately RoC has been kicked out of Mexico and Hungary has taken over their regions. Sadly due to lack of communication they signed a treaty with Hungary which means that they can not openly fight against them, which means that we have lost one ally that could help us in pushing them back. The idea is to RW Wyoming back to start with and coordinate with Russia to have more fronts open at the same time, this also includes starting drain RWs.
(03:07:52) (+Seppo) We also need to start working together, we need to have fun guys, this is a game we should not sit and be pissed off at each other, trust me that will win us no battles. We will have to pull ourselves together and learn when to fight and when to hold damage to win this.
(03:08:13) (&Irule777) ^ I like this guy, he wrote it while the other was going :3 Good thinking Seppo.
(03:08:2😎 (&Irule777) Either of you want to ask a question to the other about their answer on Defense plans? I'll give you a few seconds to read Seppo's
(03:08:40) (+Seppo) We need to work tightly with our allies and try to bring our friends into the game as well, friends such as Brazil. If the battle goes out of our primetime we might have help from Croatia and Albania to finish the battle.
(03:10:03) (+Seppo) Well my first thought is this: I do not see a lot about our allies in the plan. Do you have any good contact with people in our allies countries?
(03:10:26) (&Irule777) NewAzazel, that's for you
(03:10:5😎 (+NewAzazel) Yes. I have contacts in Croatia, MKD, ROLA, Bulgaria, Brazil, B&H, Albania, etc.
(03:11:19) (+Seppo) No more questions from me.
(03:11:26) (&Irule777) NewAzazel, question for Seppo?
(03:11:55) (+NewAzazel) Is Croatia and Albania enough to fight TWO in Europe's primetime?
(03:12:0😎 (&GeorgeWashington) [Oblige|iPhone] Your words will never fade away.
(03:13:32) (+Seppo) When we go out of our prime we should still have some damage to muster. Not all of eUS is American irl, we got a quite a few europeans here, I am one of them. We should also have been able to push the fight in our prime so that there is not a lot of points left which means that they will not need to tank for several rounds to end it.
(03:13:40) (+Seppo) And Croatia and Albania is not our only friends.
(03:13:49) (+Seppo) We also got close ties to Germany, Russia.
(03:14:05) (+Seppo) To win this we need teamwork with our friends.
(03:14:12) (+Seppo) Fin
(03:14:22) (&Irule777) Alright
(03:14:29) (&Irule777) Oblige|iPhone, the question is
(03:14:34) (&Irule777) What are your war plans?
(03:14:54) (~Oblige|iPhone) 100% victories obviously
(03:15:30) (~Oblige|iPhone) Anything more specific?
(03:15:45) (&Irule777) Yes, we'd like more specifics 😛
(03:15:57) (&Irule777) How are we getting un-wiped?
(03:17:26) (~Oblige|iPhone) Basically we're going with my plan right now. RW the crap out of Serbia and focus all of our damage there. Then move on to Poland and Hungary- especially after Serbia starts attacking people again.
(03:19:21) (~Oblige|iPhone) We'll probably try to avoid MPP battles I'd possible so we can give support to our allies there.
(03:19:23) (~Oblige|iPhone) Fin
(03:19:32) (&Irule777) Alright
(03:19:44) (&Irule777) Other candidates want to question Oblige at all?
(03:19:49) (&Irule777) Or shall we move on
(03:2😇😎 (+Seppo) No question
(03:20:50) (+NewAzazel) Oblige, as a fellow cabinet member, are you really claiming responsibility for something all cabinet participated in? And how much money do you intend to spend to continue this plan?
(03:21:55) (~Oblige|iPhone) NewAzazel: Please I take credit for wverything. It's only fair as I also get blamed for wverything.
(03:22:56) (~Oblige|iPhone) Addiitionally I promise to spend no more than the Proteus admin.
(03:23:15) (+Seppo) I got 1 question.
(03:23:21) (~Oblige|iPhone) Shoot
(03:23:22) (+Seppo) Oblige: How are you planning on funding this? Will we increase our funding to supply all of our MUs to make sure that our people are well supplied. If so, how will that be funded? Planning to move away from your position in SCI?
(03:24:23) (~Oblige|iPhone) Mmm that's an interesting queation dor the buraucrat in me.
(03:24:52) (&ilphen) omg
(03:25:09) (~Oblige|iPhone) Technically I'm in Congress and on SCI and because we're meta Congreas this month I could vote on my own requests.
(03:25:40) (~Oblige|iPhone) Apparently my auto correct has turned itself off at a critical time.
(03:26:41) (~Oblige|iPhone) But I wouldn't since that's kind of a conflict of interest
(03:27:37) (~Oblige|iPhone) And funding will be in two parts. First I believe Congress should approve deficit spending for the USAF budget so the MUs directly under the control of the government are well funded.
(03:28:49) (~Oblige|iPhone) And then providing direct battle funds (available to all MUs) if required
(03:29:24) (+Seppo) Why should that be allowed? The last tournament should have shown that the most damage is not USAF produced, there are heavy hitters outside of USAF as well. Are these not to be supplied because they don't want to follow USAF 24/7? As far as I have seen basically all of them hit where we need them since this war started. Seems silly that they should be left outside because they do not follow USAF during peace times.
(03:29:29) (~Oblige|iPhone) We could do that either through SCI, or, to be honest, directly through Congress as a whole since we kind of know its coming
(03:29:32) (&Irule777) No more questions please guys Seppo
(03:29:36) (&Irule777) We need to move on a bit :/
(03:29:45) (+Seppo) Well that was quite a huge one.
(03:29:46) (&Irule777) USAF will get a question later
(03:29:53) (&Irule777) so don't worry, that'll come up
(03:29:54) (+Seppo) Alright I'll save that one then.
(03:30:00) (&Irule777) Oblige, done?
(03:30:01) (&ilphen) ewww
(03:3😇9) (~Oblige|iPhone) Um, was that an adequate answer Seppo?
(03:30:43) (+Seppo) Sure
(03:30:46) (~Oblige|iPhone) Oh right
(03:30:49) (~Oblige|iPhone) I'm also Erich
(03:30:56) (&Irule777) Alright, next question
(03:30:59) (~Oblige|iPhone) So I will be donating a lot of my own CC
(03:31:0😎 (&Irule777) We're going to veer away from Defense for a moment, then we'll come back to the USAF
(03:31:11) (~Oblige|iPhone) as well as tapping a few friends
(03:31:16) (&Irule777) I want to hit a topic from most of the major departments
(03:31:32) (&Irule777) What are your plans for Education and the Interior, and how do you intend to increase newbie retention and general knowledge about the game.
(03:31:3😎 (&Irule777) I'll let Seppo go first
(03:32:47) (+Seppo) I have no direct plan on newbie retention other than to show them our programs to make sure that they get into the society as quickly as possibly.
(03:33:04) (+Seppo) It's of great importance that they know what this game is about early on so they know how they want to play it.
(03:33:39) (+Seppo) My education team will work on fixing this, and make sure that they can actually survive in these harsh economics.
(03:33:59) (+Seppo) We also need to get our regions back so we get a small production bonus for them, since they need it the most.
(03:34:35) (+Seppo) The interior team are to get a small funding to be able to increase the level requirement for their latest program, we might have to move a lot this period and it is very expensive, and we need all the people that we can get.
(03:34:52) (+Seppo) Both teams will work with the media team to make sure that this actually gets out to the public.
(03:34:53) (+Seppo) Fin
(03:35:03) (&Irule777) Oblige|iPhone
(03:35:34) (~Oblige|iPhone) Ok so here's the deal with Interior right now. It's running on a shoestring budget because we haven't taken the time to raise money for them in forever.
(03:35:5😎 (~Oblige|iPhone) We can hit 50k+ a pop in donated funds, etc in a single well arranged fund raiser
(03:36:29) (~Oblige|iPhone) Take that money and use it to remove the level caps on their existing programs - make them open to everyone and the publish a few articles on it
(03:36:30) (~Oblige|iPhone) Bam
(03:36:36) (~Oblige|iPhone) Interior is rocking a rolling
(03:37:24) (~Oblige|iPhone) For Education the solution is even easier. Take a bunch of newbie articles and constantly republish them so they always show up on the new player tab.
(03:38:21) (~Oblige|iPhone) Combine that with sync'ing our mentor team and making sure all new citizens are MM's and bam
(03:38:25) (~Oblige|iPhone) You're set
(03:38:31) (~Oblige|iPhone) Like Emeril
(03:38:33) (~Mazzy_Cat) .devoice ldwamego
(03:38:34) (~Oblige|iPhone) Or something
(03:38:35) (~Oblige|iPhone) Fin
(03:38:45) (&Irule777) NewAzazel
(03:38:49) (&Irule777) Interior and Education plans
(03:39:11) (+NewAzazel) I have been in conversations with Irule and SColbert about Interior and Education, and I’d like to give them more attention than they have received in the past. I want to strengthen their ties to each other, to Media, and to Flight Training, given that they all deal with newer players to some degree.
(03:39:19) (+NewAzazel) Media matters and we can make sure they direct to one another
(03:39:35) (+NewAzazel) I’ve also talked to DLS about incorporating some of his ideas on Education and Interior, since I actually liked them quite a bit. Irule has proposed new programs, and should they need further funding, I will do all I can to ensure they have what they need and more
(03:39:45) (+NewAzazel) SColbert wants to strengthen Mentor program while DLS wants to bring American University back to full steam, and I think these goals are compatible.
(03:40:20) (+NewAzazel) Since Fingerguns, in my opinion, we haven't really had a president that wanted to devote a ton of attention to domestic
(03:40:51) (+NewAzazel) I want to make sure Education and Interior get the limelight as much as more exciting fields like war and foreign affairs do
(03:40:52) (+NewAzazel) fin.
(03:40:57) (&Irule777) Awesome
(03:41:01) (+NewAzazel) also
(03:41:05) (+NewAzazel) storm at my house
(03:41:07) (&Irule777) our next question is about the USAF as that's something our room is demanding
(03:41:13) (+NewAzazel) if I suddenly die, lightning struck me
(03:41:19) (&Irule777) Lmao
(03:41:20) (&Irule777) A huge private Congressional discussion right now is about eUSAF reforms.
(03:41:20) (&Irule777) In your opinion, what is the problem with the eUSAF and what is your direct solution you?d push for?
(03:41:30) (&Irule777) NewAzazel, I'll let you go first incase you give out
(03:42:11) (~Oblige|iPhone) NewAzazel: TELL US YOUR PLAN SO WE HAVE THAT KNOWLEDGE
(03:42:24) (+NewAzazel) The problem with USAF is Executive leadership and direction, along with actually hearing what USAF wants (they are people too who have devoted effort to the system)
(03:42:43) (&Irule777) Oblige|iPhone, please be quiet
(03:43:01) (+NewAzazel) USAF also has problems of coordination between each other, and I don't feel its a fully unified system yet, thus we have a culture problem.
(03:43:42) (+NewAzazel) I want to sit down with USAF leaders and DoD and actually provide the attention they've been demanding, as well as seeking to improve the efficiency that congress wants
(03:44:30) (+NewAzazel) Oblige|iPhone is a part of USAF, Darkmantle, DLS, Synesi, potato134, and the XOs and soldiers
(03:44:44) (+NewAzazel) I think they should have some voice in their direction, even if President has the authority
(03:44:50) (+NewAzazel) fin
(03:44:57) (&ilphen) I disagree.
(03:44:5😎 (&ilphen) fin
(03:45:33) (~Oblige|iPhone) Rude !
(03:45:5😎 (@Custer) same question, next victim..?
(03:46:0😎 (~Oblige|iPhone) I'll go
(03:46:0😎 (@Custer) er.. candidate?
(03:46:10) (&Irule777) Oblige|iPhone
(03:46:12) (&Irule777) you're up
(03:46:15) (~Oblige|iPhone) <_> (03:46:40) (~Oblige|iPhone) The biggest problem the USAF has presently is its reputation
(03:47:10) (~Oblige|iPhone) There are many MUs in this country that are well run and some that are not so well run and that situation is basically seconded in the USAF
(03:47:4😎 (~Oblige|iPhone) What changes things though is that obviously they are publically funded.
(03:49:19) (~Oblige|iPhone) There are some communication problems at a fundamental level and we need to bring back joint officer and joint soldier branches and actually make them used in order to move forward
(03:50:16) (~Oblige|iPhone) Additionally my new NSC will hopefully fix some of our damage coordination issues
(03:50:19) (~Oblige|iPhone) Fin
(03:50:24) (@Custer) interruption, here.. wouldn't making them self-sufficient have the same effect as did the JCS, in that they'll no longer feel obligated to follow POTUS/SecDef Orders?
(03:51:06) (&ilphen) vanek is victory
(03:51:29) (~Oblige|iPhone) That is correct Custer and that's why I support the USAF
(03:51:44) (&Irule777) Alright
(03:51:54) (&Irule777) Seppo
(03:51:56) (&Irule777) you're up for USAF
(03:52:13) (+Seppo) The solution of this war is not USAF, US-AIM or US-Mil, we need to all work together. It's better that we spend our money on supporting everyone that fights for us rather than 1 branch. Yes US-AIM and US-Mil did not move to USAF in times of peace, but this is times of war. Now they all fight for us and therefor should have the right to supplies.
(03:52:56) (+Seppo) Right now the communication is very poor between all sides and that is something that needs to be fixed before we can start winning this.
(03:53:50) (+Seppo) We could also use some of the USAF money for some friendly competition on the battle field with small incentives with the new CO, do damage when it's needed, and get rewarded.
(03:54:32) (+Seppo) I'd rather have the whole community together than divided in these times.
(03:54:39) (+Seppo) Fin
(03:54:50) (&Irule777) Awesome
(03:55:09) (&Irule777) I'd like to mention to the candidates, we have lots to cover and I'd like to do closing statements at 1😇0, aka, about 35 minutes
(03:55:2😎 (~Oblige|iPhone) Can I ask a follow up now or should I wait ?
(03:55:43) (&Irule777) I'll open it to a follow up, yes
(03:56:27) (~Oblige|iPhone) Ok
(03:56:59) (~Oblige|iPhone) How do you think we can take the money that goes to support 4 MUs and make it enough money to support all MUs?
(03:57:4😎 (~Oblige|iPhone) Er by 4
(03:57:53) (~Oblige|iPhone) I obviously mean 5
(03:58:42) (+Seppo) For those that have read my campaign they will know that I have made an extra financial part. This is a funding that I will start. We need that in times likes this to be able to support our warfare. We can not expect to win if we're not going to support our soldiers better.
(03:59:11) (&Irule777) NewAzazel and Seppo, you're also allowed to ask a follow up if you like when seppo is done answering
(03:59:29) (~Oblige|iPhone) How much is that funding?
(03:59:4😎 (+Seppo) 5% of the states money, it's counted at the start of every period.
(04:00:04) (+Seppo) It's not insane amounts, but it will go a long way to support those that actually fight.
(04:00:13) (~Oblige|iPhone) So you realize that would be 95% less than we fund right now?
(04:0😇6) (~Oblige|iPhone) Or more.
(04:00:43) (+Seppo) I am not talking 5% of our income, I am talking 5% of ALL of the states saved money.
(04:00:46) (+NewAzazel) he means from reserve
(04:00:59) (~Oblige|iPhone) Ok, that would still be a lot less money...
(04:01:20) (+Seppo) So right now USAF gets more than 200k in funding?
(04:01:27) (+Seppo) That's quite a lot for the damage that they produce.
(04:01:33) (~Oblige|iPhone) It gets like that much each week
(04:02:23) (+Seppo) That money should be going to the collective instead of just USAF in these times. Pay for those that fight.
(04:02:30) (~Oblige|iPhone) So how would you take less than 25% of what we use currently to support 4 MUs and use that to support dozens?
(04:03:19) (&Irule777) Seppo, answer than oblige stop please. Naz you have the chance to question oblige and/or seppo
(04:03:19) (+NewAzazel) is 5% of our reserve really only 200k?
(04:03:32) (~Oblige|iPhone) The reserve is classified but why not
(04:03:4😎 (+Seppo) NewAzazel, well, the reserve is not public information.
(04:03:53) (+Seppo) We only know what's in CBO.
(04:04:14) (+NewAzazel) if so, why are we spending over 5% of our reserve every month in deficit with the results we're getting?
(04:04:39) (+Seppo) I'll let NAZ take over.
(04:04:43) (~Oblige|iPhone) Reserve 😕= present income
(04:04:45) (&Irule777) Thank you
(04:04:46) (&Irule777) Naz
(04:04:49) (&Irule777) Questions for Oblige
(04:04:59) (~Oblige|iPhone) Seppo can you finish mine reply first plZ? : (04:05:03) (~Oblige|iPhone) My*
(04:05:14) (+NewAzazel) That was all, though my question wasn't answered.
(04:05:21) (~Oblige|iPhone) ^
(04:05:45) (+Seppo) Well, USAF needs to get a lot less funding than it actually does right now. Right now we're spending a lot of money on USAF and the results are not there.
(04:06:35) (+Seppo) Fin
(04:06:36) (~Oblige|iPhone) Can I make a statement Irule777 ?
(04:06:47) (&Irule777) Query it to me
(04:07:01) (&Irule777) I'd like to move on
(04:07:22) (@Custer) and.. while they're doing that.. let's have a moment of silly
(04:07:32) (&Irule777) I'd hope you all go out and release an article after this about the eUSAF/FA etc and go indepthly into it all
(04:08:10) (@Custer) silly filler question: who's sexier, Irule777, or Custer?
(04:08:16) (&Irule777) 😑
(04:08:19) (+Seppo) Irule777
(04:08:22) (&Irule777) That's obviously the moderator :3
(04:08:23) (@henryfrench) lol
(04:08:49) (@Custer) hey, I'm sexy as hell, in the geriatric sense of the word..
(04:08:57) (&Irule777) Alright, we're going to move on if that's alright
(04:09:01) (+Seppo) Go ahead
(04:09:12) (@Custer) I wasn't going to win that one anyways
(04:09:29) (&Irule777) The United States Daily Orders are usually focused on Serbia, Hungary or Poland nowthatwe have been wiped, and while removing the wipe is important, what are your plans for ensuring we'reactuallyhelping our allies, something we haven't been doing as much recently with all our CoT friends, in the future while fighting this wipe?
(04:09:3😎 (&Irule777) Answers quick please, but try to give us real answers
(04:09:44) (&Irule777) Uh, Seppo, you're up
(04:10:2😎 (+Seppo) Well, we have allies in trouble as well, we will need to help these out of trouble at the same time as we help ourselves.
(04:11:0😎 (+Seppo) To the south we have Mexico, wiped by a common enemy, to the west we have Russia, also wiped by a common enemy.
(04:11:30) (+Seppo) The key to victory is team work with our allies, it is the only way to get out of this, so to help us we need to help them.
(04:11:49) (+Seppo) Fin
(04:12:01) (&Irule777) Oblige|iPhone
(04:12:37) (~Oblige|iPhone) That's a valid question. CoT is besieged by issues right now.
(04:13:16) (~Oblige|iPhone) And we surely have not been helping them
(04:13:51) (~Oblige|iPhone) The problem is that we saw a real opportunity with a weak Serbia to buy ourselves and a lot of our allies real, important time in our war efforts
(04:13:5😎 (~Oblige|iPhone) I don't think there's anything wrong with they
(04:14:00) (~Oblige|iPhone) That
(04:14:17) (~Oblige|iPhone) At the same time I don't think CoT HQ would be in the dark about that
(04:15:39) (&Irule777) Done?
(04:15:41) (~Oblige|iPhone) And maybe we could've coordinated better with Bulgaria and other CoT members on or reforms. We've been wiped for awhile now and deserve some prios.
(04:15:45) (~Oblige|iPhone) Fin
(04:16:03) (&Irule777) Awesome
(04:16:04) (&Irule777) NewAzazel
(04:16:30) (+NewAzazel) Earlier in the debate, Seppo mentioned a lot of CoT has "me me me" attitudes, and to be fair the US is pretty good at that as well.
(04:16:50) (+NewAzazel) We have a lot of damage, and because of that we expect attention for it, even if we don't always use our damage for our allies
(04:17:21) (+NewAzazel) at current, BG, MKD, Switz, Korea, Peru, Mexico, Russia (possibly others) are wiped or near wiped
(04:17:42) (+NewAzazel) they feel the same way we do, and feel they have a responsibility to their citz to get out of that situation
(04:18:32) (+NewAzazel) unfortunately, we don't have the same damage as TWO, meaning we have to concentrate on one area at a time, which is what I initially did when I was CoT MC, and it turns out we actually won battles as much as lost, rather than losing all
(04:19:17) (+NewAzazel) alliances are about providing for your allies, and we have to do it as well. Once you give you can take, and the US needs to learn a lot more about giving and teaching it to our friends.
(04:19:1😎 (+NewAzazel) fin
(04:19:21) (&Irule777) Awesome
(04:19:22) (+Israel_Stevens) Seppo, are you even trying to win the election? You don't have a single vote in AMP primary
(04:19:55) (&Irule777) Name one thing from either of the previous two terms (Paul and Tenshibo) that you saw as a major problem, and explain how you plan to avoid this specific issue during your term.
(04:20:01) (&Irule777) NewAzazel
(04:20:04) (&Irule777) you're up first
(04:20:07) (&Irule777) .devoice Israel_Stevens
(04:20:15) (&Irule777) Well then, channel hates me :3
(04:20:49) (+NewAzazel) Attention and trying to fix the situation. I felt that in the wipe Tenshibo checked out a bit towards the end of his term, and Paul did the same towards the middle.
(04:20:52) (~Oblige|iPhone) He's de voiced already xD
(04:21:22) (+NewAzazel) I intend to fix this by making sure I'm around, making decisions, publishing articles, and providing direction. As well as answering to the public about what goes right as well as what goes wrong.
(04:21:23) (+NewAzazel) fin
(04:21:29) (&Irule777) Oblige|iPhone
(04:21:50) (~Oblige|iPhone) Oh dear God there is so much.
(04:22:16) (~Oblige|iPhone) Honestly I try to not trash people except when I have to and I don't feel I can answer that question politely.
(04:22:59) (~Oblige|iPhone) During both administrations we've had private citizens like ColinLantrip and JFrost that have had to step up and cover for our CPs with no formal authority or recompense
(04:23:50) (@AlexMCS182|off) Well that escalated quickly there
(04:24:00) (@AlexMCS182|off) Nothing to do here ^-^
(04:24:06) (~Oblige|iPhone) Because literally things have gotten to bad a lot of people have started doing things like dumping huge sums of IRL money into the game to say, hypothetically purchase a Serbian CPs account
(04:24:3😎 (@Custer) hypothetically, of course
(04:24:51) (~Oblige|iPhone) HYPOTHETICALLY
(04:25:11) (~Oblige|iPhone) That is bad. We need to do better than that.
(04:25:11) (&GeorgeWashington) .g hypothetically
(04:25:12) (Internets) [Google] hypothetically - The Free Dictionary (
(04:25:12) (Internets) [Google] Description: hy·po·thet·i·cal (h p -th t -k l) also hy·po·thet·ic (-th t k). adj. 1. Of, relating to, or based on a hypothesis: a hypothetical situation. See Synonyms at theoretical. 2. a.
(04:25:1😎 (+NewAzazel) to be fair, that hypothetically could have happened regardless of CP success
(04:25:2😎 (~Oblige|iPhone) That's true
(04:25:30) (&Irule777) done Oblige|iPhone?
(04:25:51) (~Oblige|iPhone) Or hypothetically purchasing a few million CC and spending it on distributions
(04:26:11) (~Oblige|iPhone) Fin
(04:26:17) (&Irule777) Seppo, you're up last for this one
(04:26:42) (+Seppo) Communication and involvment. The CP does always play an important part, but it's extra critical at times like this. We need people to see that this is winnable, if we fight together, if we communicate better and actually organize our damage. Yes, we faced several enemies at once, and that makes it insanely hard, but we need to stick together
(04:27:14) (+Seppo) Paul seems to be a great guy, but I think this got quite to heavy for him, he wasn't as involved as he should have been.
(04:27:31) (+Seppo) Fin
(04:27:43) (+Seppo) Will this go on for a lot longer? ._. Getting quite late here.
(04:27:45) (&Irule777) Alright, we're going to run a bit over with one question to each candidate
(04:27:4😎 (&Irule777) then we're done
(04:27:54) (&Irule777) No closing statements
(04:27:5😎 (&Irule777) like anyone reads them anyways 😛
(04:28:04) (&Irule777) The first will be to Oblige
(04:28:06) (~Oblige|iPhone) : (04:28:21) (@Custer) WHPR will run additional questions for the candidates, which they can answer in the Comments.
(04:28:41) (&Irule777) Oblige, in your first term as POTUS over a year ago, you had bad relations with Chile. As they're in CoT, what do you plan to do differently this month to continue good relations with chile.
(04:30:42) (~Oblige|iPhone) That's an excellent questions. I widely view the situation with Chile as the worst mistake of my term.
(04:31:00) (~Oblige|iPhone) I've spent a lot of effort repairing it including tanking for them a lot.
(04:31:34) (~Oblige|iPhone) As we improve our relationship with CoT HQ and approve the alliance so will our relationship with Chile improve.
(04:31:43) (~Oblige|iPhone) Improve*
(04:31:55) (~Oblige|iPhone) And obviously I'll make sure to give them a lot of attention.
(04:32:11) (~Oblige|iPhone) Plus I hate Argentina now, so we're on the same page now...
(04:32:14) (~Oblige|iPhone) Fin
(04:32:17) (&Irule777) Awesome, next question will go to NewAzazel
(04:33:07) (&Irule777) Sorry Naz, we just discussed this in the discussion room but I've got to ask, and we want that pic 😉 You're first term as an MC in CoT didn't end well, and that was quite a large position to have. Care to explain why that happend and why it won't happen with you as POTUS?
(04:33:46) (+NewAzazel) Well CoT was honestly a perfect storm of bad the second half of my MC term
(04:33:4😎 (+NewAzazel)
(04:33:56) (+NewAzazel) that is the long answer, if you guys care to read
(04:34:33) (~Oblige|iPhone) WE DEMAND A SHORT ANSWER
(04:34:40) (~Oblige|iPhone) AD/HD AMERICA
(04:34:4😎 (+NewAzazel) here's the short: CPs changed, we were handed a terrible team of SCs, countries began to lose focus, the 7 part invasion of USA started, and the MC team and I were fatigued heavily from being on 10 hours a day and losing sleep
(04:35:06) * &Irule777 slaps Oblige|iPhone shhh
(04:35:36) (+NewAzazel) I had grown a little distant because my tests were approaching, I was more social in the last month I was in China (I was studying abroad), and my activity fell from 100% to about 60-70%
(04:35:59) (+NewAzazel) This month, I'm home alone with nothing to do all day, and until the 25th, have no real responsibilities in real life
(04:36:09) (+NewAzazel) and even then, I get better internet and a light work load
(04:36:35) (+NewAzazel) basically, I have a lot more time and focus to give this month, that I began to lack as MC, and I have apologized and admitted my mistakes there
(04:36:36) (+NewAzazel) fin.
(04:36:43) (&Irule777) Awesome
(04:36:47) (&Irule777) Seppo, the final question
(04:36:57) (+NewAzazel) also, I met a girl that looked like her:
(04:38:39) (&Irule777) sorry, one sec 😛
(04:38:49) (&Irule777) Seppo, you
(04:38:53) (&Irule777) ops, enter button :3
(04:39:03) (+Seppo) Hai
(04:39:22) (&Irule777) I'll cut to the chase
(04:39:44) (&Irule777) you haven't been in cabinet recently, is you're being out of touch with the information flow going to be a problem?
(04:39:56) (&Irule777) Bad way to word it I guess, but your in the discussion room, answer it however you like :3
(04:41:11) (+Seppo) I surely hope not. I will talk to Paul about this months affairs to see what exactly has been happening behind the curtain. I also got Derphoof in my cabinet as SoS which I know were heavily active in our affairs with this new alliance.
(04:41:35) (+Seppo) I surely hope that they would set some time down to actually go through the major points.
(04:42:40) (+Seppo) I also got friends in the CoT channels that I can talk to about what has been going on internally in CoT.
(04:42:52) (+Seppo) Getting the information should not be hard.
(04:43:07) (+Seppo) Fin
(04:43:10) (&Irule777) Awesome
(04:43:12) (&Irule777) Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for attending our WTP Presidential Debate. I apologize for outbursts and how slow it?s been, but I hope you did honestly learn something today and can go to the polls more informed and excited for the future. I apologize for it being a bit boring, but hopefully, it was still entertaining enough. Thank you all and goodnight.
(04:43:1😎 (&Irule777) Apologies as well for it running over
(04:43:19) (&Talostastic) Woo
(04:43:21) (&Irule777) Thank you to our candidates