The Most Boring Interview ever!

Day 1,763, 07:36 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Comrade Vladimir Ulyanow Lenin

15:52 realmadkytle Hello Astorwald
15:52 realmadkytle and dear readers
15:52 Astorwald Hello realmadkytle, and good day to your readers
15:52 realmadkytle So, Astorwald.
15:53 realmadkytle Why do you wanted this interview
15:53 Astorwald For the simple reason that you harassed me to give you one
15:54 realmadkytle What do you think, if people hear the word Astorwald?
15:54 Astorwald The word "Astorwald"?
15:55 Astorwald I think they think of somebody present in Switzerland
15:56 realmadkytle yes yes
15:56 realmadkytle will you canditate for prez next month / next year /next thousand years?
15:56 Astorwald I seriously doubt of this possibility
15:57 Astorwald I don't think I have the qualities nor the capacity to run a country
15:57 Astorwald I leave that job to more experienced people
15:57 realmadkytle okay
15:57 realmadkytle Who would the best prez , who wasnt prez?
15:58 Astorwald Good question...
15:58 Astorwald To be really honest, nobody is perfect, so nobody can be the best
15:58 Astorwald And therefor, I can hardly answer that question
16:00 realmadkytle okay
16:00 realmadkytle psihi or me?
16:01 Astorwald For the level of seriousness, competence and most of all mental health, I'd choose Psihi between these two choices
16:01 realmadkytle haha
16:02 realmadkytle Well
16:02 realmadkytle Tell us something about yourself
16:02 Astorwald Tell me what you readers would like to hear about me
16:03 realmadkytle hmm
16:03 realmadkytle where do you work
16:03 realmadkytle why you live in erep switzerland
16:03 realmadkytle why are you so shitty to rmk
16:03 realmadkytle and so on
16:03 Astorwald Where do I work? It's simple, in Berna, under the Federal Dome
16:04 Astorwald I live in eCH for one simple reason, it's where I live IRL
16:04 Astorwald Why am I so "shitty" to realmadkytle, the reason is simple, the more I bother him, then funnier it gets
16:05 realmadkytle so
16:05 realmadkytle why is your *peep* so small?
16:06 Astorwald realmadkytle, this is an interview for everybody, i'm not sure that your readers are curious to have knowledge of that information
16:07 realmadkytle i mean your peep
16:07 realmadkytle not your peeep
16:07 realmadkytle i mean why you have so less level
16:07 Astorwald give me a definition of peep then
16:07 Astorwald ah
16:08 Astorwald The reason is simple, i'm eBorn in Dec, 2011
16:08 realmadkytle so???
16:08 Astorwald realmadkytle:
16:08 realmadkytle hmm
16:08 Astorwald i know that your readers are more intelligent to deduce that information
16:09 realmadkytle okay.
16:09 realmadkytle SUPREME TIME
16:09 realmadkytle tell me all your badwords you know
16:09 Astorwald amen`
16:09 realmadkytle IN ITALIAN
16:09 Astorwald realmadkytle, i thought that was a serious interview
16:10 realmadkytle astorwald you beated me with laws.
16:10 Astorwald not a stupid-questions-answer-interview, especially on bad word
16:10 realmadkytle so i beated you with this interiew
16:10 realmadkytle okay
16:10 realmadkytle then tell me all your italian cities you know
16:10 realmadkytle in 5 minutes
16:10 Astorwald realmadkytle, your readers don't care about that...
16:10 realmadkytle dont tell me to do.
16:11 Astorwald i'm here to answer questions about me, not italian cities...
16:12 realmadkytle okay..
16:12 realmadkytle then no surpreme time
16:12 realmadkytle astorwald
16:12 realmadkytle Why do join erepublik.
16:12 Astorwald Good question
16:13 Astorwald A friend of mine told me it was "nice"
16:13 Astorwald I joined
16:13 Astorwald But now, it's gone crappy, but i keep on playing, for the family you have around eerep
16:14 realmadkytle what do you mean with family?
16:14 Astorwald the friends I have
16:14 Astorwald i consider them as a family
16:15 realmadkytle whats your favourite color?
16:15 Astorwald black
16:16 realmadkytle whats your favourite food?
16:16 Astorwald realmadkytles
16:17 Astorwald so tasty
16:17 realmadkytle haha
16:17 Astorwald but a little too swiss german for me...
16:17 realmadkytle whats your favourite drink?
16:17 Astorwald fresh squeezed realmadkytles
16:17 Astorwald very nutritive
16:17 realmadkytle whats your favourite religion?
16:18 Astorwald monotheism
16:18 realmadkytle whats that?
16:18 Astorwald mono : one
16:18 Astorwald theo : good
16:19 Astorwald god*
16:19 Astorwald i believe in one god
16:19 realmadkytle ah
16:19 realmadkytle who is your god?
16:19 Astorwald Him
16:19 Astorwald Him and only Him
16:20 realmadkytle nice.
16:20 realmadkytle do you want to eat me?
16:20 Astorwald No
16:20 Astorwald Switzerland needs you
16:20 Astorwald to entertain her
16:20 Astorwald here*
16:20 realmadkytle wellt
16:20 realmadkytle well
16:20 realmadkytle then explain me where you get the realmadkytles
16:21 Astorwald from the shop
16:21 Astorwald alla manor
16:21 Astorwald alla coop
16:21 Astorwald or even alla migros
16:21 realmadkytle nice.
16:21 realmadkytle Do you eat gucios too?
16:21 Astorwald nah
16:22 Astorwald there are more useful that realmadkytles
16:22 Astorwald so i don't eat them
16:22 realmadkytle ah
16:22 realmadkytle and monsieurguillontines?
16:23 Astorwald nah
16:23 Astorwald too fat
16:24 realmadkytle and cooldude97s?
16:24 Astorwald nah
16:24 Astorwald too english
16:24 Astorwald tastes like tea
16:25 realmadkytle and yudds?
16:25 Astorwald nah
16:25 Astorwald too nice
16:25 Astorwald can't eat my friends
16:26 realmadkytle and ioss?
16:27 Astorwald oh yes
16:27 Astorwald definitely
16:27 Astorwald with a little guacamole
16:27 Astorwald *smak*
16:27 Astorwald che buono
16:29 realmadkytle
16:29 realmadkytle So
16:29 realmadkytle How you want to die?
16:30 Astorwald Of age
16:31 realmadkytle with which years?
16:31 Astorwald but not of stupidity
16:31 Astorwald 80ish
16:31 realmadkytle nice
16:31 realmadkytle do you smoke?
16:31 Astorwald God preserved me of smoking
16:31 Astorwald i'm grateful to Him
16:32 realmadkytle okay
16:32 realmadkytle and how about alcohol
16:32 realmadkytle jesus made the water to wine
16:32 Astorwald i'm monotheist, not catholic
16:33 realmadkytle where i should know that you dont own a bible
16:33 Astorwald i don't
16:33 realmadkytle So
16:33 realmadkytle Do you have any questions?
16:34 Astorwald Who's the interviewer? you; who's supposed to do the questions? not me
16:34 realmadkytle okay
16:34 realmadkytle Then see you soon Astorwald
16:35 Astorwald See you soon realmadkytle