The krakken comments about the elect Tins.

Day 3,454, 04:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Short Version

Long Version

Now I am not voting today. Today it anyway wont matter who we voted for. Because apparently, every party is so confident in the leadership that parties like Eire Ainoar did not even discuss any other candidate. In fact, i thought I would hang around there. TBH these days we all know that certain accounts are revived during elections and that they vote and is active just on election days.

Now I'm going to put a challenge to PLATO actually Fix something that is broken.

Yes it's a broken system run by broken people that break the political will of the people that truly believe in democracy.

im not voting because I want the right to complain. Yes Carlin was 100% right we all know that politicians make promises they dont keep. Kattiaa didnt even make any attempt at a real campaign. There is nothing to compare her term to. There are no promises.

They got rid of their political enemies in congress by the use of illegitimate rules , tactics and bending rules 100% to suit their purposes. We are back at politics pre Junta. Now Plato attacked dictatorship saying that it stifled young players etc etc as young players can actually participate in politics.

yes they can but north koreans can also they just have 1 choice Kim Yong

Holden Caulfield said

in response to life is a game.

"game, my ass. some game. if you get on the side where all the hot-shots are then it's a game, alright. I'll admit that. But if you get on the other side where there aren't any hot-shots then, what is a game about it."

Now we all know that if some people only vote on elections they probably vote a preconceived agenda or for a specific interest group. So here you have player Johnny come lately all eager and bushy-tailed about the elections. He will run after a few months doing the rounds for Country President. And he has an equal chance to win?

Nope because some players are only active on elections voting for a specific interest group.

Please refer to the article by Keetnawilson.
But he can still run for congress. Yes sure but then again older players will bring rules certain accounts will only pop up certain times to vote etc etc. in the end what is supposed to be a democracy is just a mockery. Other accounts will not vote or contribute at all. You see there is the key to the failure of politics in Ireland. Some people only run for congress for the 5 gold. That is how far their actions goes. Some accounts are just ghost accounts that pop up at certain times.

To win and to gain field he will either have to appeal to a large group and that will mean usually falling in behind them. Paying his dues and pleasing 4 or so players so that 20 ghost players vote for him. He will not be allowed to oppose and will usually be kicked for some made up rules if he does. There is no real politics in eIreland just like there is no real politics in eRepublik as always Plato has no clue what it takes. Its mount everest. Except if your a kiss a. Its not that the players in charge are really good nope their not at all but they control the numbers.

How do Plato stop this. Easy bring in activity rules for voting. To vote in CP election atleast 20/30 active in a month.Congress the same. Party President the same.

This will mean ghost players will have to be more active increasing the risk of the master account or the work required for them. In short make it a schlep to vote using ghost accounts. if you keep voting honest.

Furthermore, allow other proposals to be brought in congress through the game mechanics. Nothing more than a text box required to write the proposal in. Allow each congress member 3 proposals a month instead of 2. if a player misses 3 votes he is auto kicked from congress.

And finally, this is to all you slackers lay around and players that think you can control elections by means of ghost accounts or get 5 gold for doing nothing. Yes, you can but are you contributing to a better game or are you increasing the drag of the game are you dragging the game down into the mud with your actions. You all complain this is such a * game. Yes, perhaps it is but is it one because of your own actions? For example, lets look at the Irish Army vote. We can see the symptoms of this game in each and every step there.

I propose a simple proposal. At first, it is ignored and ignored and ignored. Finally Rusty sees I am not going away so he brings this proposal to congress but add paragraphs to it. he then allows players to not vote correctly and to bring in further issues not raised with the ORIGINAL proposal. he then counts the votes wrong and brings out an article publishing his incorrect voting tally and asking for an immediate replacement contra the wishes of the congress members. Rusty must think we are so stupid that he can almsot do anything he wants and get away with it. Rules are bend broken and maimed to support the defeat of the opposition. When we were in power it was ok to insult the government daily in the most virile language on discord. Then later one of the most foul-mouthed players are appointed as moderator. Then when they're in charge they may not be insulted. A complete 360 on his treatment towards us and what he expects from us.

Then we get the inactives and that is why we are the dude now. I changed the name to reflect their current attitude and action level in the game. 2/11 irish Army members actually voted on whether their own army should be the national army. 🙁 None even abstained or cited why they did not want to participate. 9 Irish Army members did not even care to vote on an issue directly influencing them.

Perhaps for most it does not really. We can track their hopeless inactivity through most of my campaigns pressing the button of the irish army achieves nothing. And this is in every army. I once realized in the west for smaller alliances one does not give specific instructions one does not say meet at fort A and move to fort B to confuse the enemy. Everyone meets at fort A everyone stays there. Controlling people in an online game is more a principle of herding than actual true strategy.

Why are the game so s* why are people quitting. Players its because of you because when someone is active he soon faces the problems I mention.

One does not create a fun game if your inactive does not listen to orders and does not participate in congress or comment in articles. All that you contribute is to the downfall of the game. because in fact everything that is s* in this game is people dont listen to orders. battles cant be won unless thousands of cc is heaped on the result. nobody discuss anything in congress. people bending the rules is not set right. people dont vote except the few ghost voters . A player like Rusty just see he can get away with more and more and more. Thereby politics becomes each day more corrupt and one sided. In a few months he is past his use by date and the next schmo is used to do the heavy lifting whilst politics in eRepublik just fester in bull horse or chicken something.