The Great Canadian Reset War

Day 3,508, 10:42 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

The Romanian Reset has begun.

Fight for Canada in the RW’s and get your Freedom Fighter medals. We will begin our “loser” attack at day change tonight. I know this is asking a lot from you all, but we need to lose this attack. Try to hold back.

We are once again using the method that drops are NE almost immediately after it takes effect so the reset will not take 10 days like the old days .

Serbia will start their Reset right after so we can get both resets over quickly and with as little disruption to Work as Manager as possible.

Between our Training War with Netherlands and RW’s with Serbia and Romania, we in Canada constantly have campaigns open for our True Patriot cash and Daily Order pleasure.

I have full confidence we will win both Reset Wars and we will once again line our treasury with .69 gold’s in tribute.

Yours Respectfully,

Exalted Druid.