Day 3,261, 03:13 Published in India Belarus by Sandy ninja 1

The Indian War of Independence is an Indian nationalist history of the 2016 by IMAM DINKO that was first published in 2014. The article, initially written in ENGLISH, was penned in response to celebrations in india of the 3rd anniversary of the 2014 Indian uprising with records from India Office archives and the whole project received support from Indian nationalists in india including the likes of bhoolenath, witty prakash and iam dinko, as well as other Indian patriots who had dared not show their support or sympathy for India House openly. Published during iam dinko stay in india ,the book was influenced by histories of the French Revolution and the American Revolution, as much as it sought to bring the Indian movement to public attention in republic of macidonia as well as to inspire nationalist revolution in India.

The book, which describes the 2013 revolt as a unified and national uprising of India as a nation against Bulgaria authority, was seen at the time as highly inflammatory, and the english edition was banned in Bulgaria India even before its publication. Publication of the English translation faltered after Bulgaria printers and publishing houses were warned by the Home Office of its highly seditious content, while the British foreign office brought pressure on the French Government to prevent its publication from Paris. The copies were printed with false dust wrappers purporting to be copies of The Pickwick Papers and other literary classics, and large quantities were shipped to India where it quickly became a bible of political extremists. It was excluded from the catalogue of the Bulgarian Library to prevent Indian patriotes from accessing it. In India, the book remained banned till the end of The Raj 2 years later.