The Belgian Party - Country Presidency

Day 622, 08:59 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

The Belgian Party - Country Presidency

My fellows citizens,

One month ago, I was writing an article to let you know that the BP will have for the first time a candidate for the country presidence...

One month later, i'm here to announce that I will run for a second term of President of the United Netherlands !

During one month, i had the opportunity to discover my job and i tried to do my best for our country.
With always in my mind the three priorities i told you i will follow :
- a new Q5 hospital
- the institutionnal reform (giving the power to our community)
- to work on causing a babyboom

I have published an article ten days after my election to let you know what have been already done at this time...

After that, i didn't published a lot of articles. One after the congress elections (to appoint a formateur), one to help our french ally (a call to vote for their babyboom on a website), one to wish eSouth African the best for their future after the recovery of their first region, and finally one about our new ebabyboom website.

It didn't say that we haven't been active during these last days, and we have been working hard to work on the two priorities who haven't been reached totally, the institutionnal reform and the babyboom.

About the babyboom, the first part is over. We have succeed to build a nice and functionnal website to promote our country and to distribute invitations to new players. I won't say more about it, as i'm sure you have all read the article i published about...

But what's is important now, is to make publicity for this website ! And the work just start ... We have to improve the recrutment group and to launch a big campagn of promotion of eRepublik on forums, online newspapers, and real life. It won't be easy, it's a huge challenge, but it's necessary for our country ! Maybe it will be difficult to achieve this goal in august, because of the holiday, but we can work on it, and start the campagn in september when the RL academic year will start... The campagn can have two directions : the online part and the RL part... For this last one, we can try to reach people with making some flyers to give in our school or university for example... For the online part, we will have to check all forums which can be a good way to make discover the game to new players...
As you can see, these are just small ideas, we need you to help us to think about it and to be a part of our recrutment group ! In the same time, we will have to improve our coaching group, to let it able to manage the future babyboom, to work on the welcoming of the new players...

About the institutionnal reform, a lot have been already done, but it's not finished yet. We have worked on a new Constitution, and citizens will be able to debate on it very soon... It was a lot of work but the last constitution was very outdated ! We have also worked on improvements for the current CAO, the Collective Labour Agreement... But the most important part is to finished the implementation of the Senate... A commission will be settled in few days to work on the rules of the Senate, like elections, votes, powers, etc... Citizens will also be asked to debate on this... That's the purpose of this reform, to bring back the power to the citizens, to strengthen our democracy...

On the international level, we have showed that we were strong ally into PEACE GC. We have signed two new MPPs, with France and Russia... Our PEACE GC Representatives have been active during all this period on peace forums and irc... We have also showed to France that we were able to help them not only on the battlefields, with the votes we bring them for their babyboom (

Finally, i have to talked about the situation with Germany. A poll have been launched and the result showed that the majority of our citizens agreed to help them. I'm really glad of this result, and I will be very happy to welcome them in our nation, in our United nation, because i know they will have a place in our union, that they will bring us new opportunities. I'm not affraid of the dangers, they exists, but i think we are strong enough to jump over them. But what i have to say, is that the decision is not in our hands. We have given our opinion, but now, it's to Germans to decide what's the best for their future... Of course, if they decide that it's to enter in a true union of countries, we will have to manage it perfectly with agreements to make it correctly.

The work is not over, but we have been taken the good direction !
I promised you to bring a change, i'm now promising you to achieve it !

Vote for ThomasRed as President of the United Netherlands !

ps: my candidacy will be official ingame later in the day... 🙂

Best Regards,

President of the United Netherlands

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