The B(ean) team, CP manifesto and plans for Ireland.

Day 1,750, 15:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bean&teddy

This is going to be a long enough article so please stick with me I'll try make it as interesting as possible. If you vote for me for in the Presidential elections here is the team you will get:

President: Bean&teddy

I am of course here to serve the people and serving the people is my number one goal. You have seen my plans for PP councils to get party opinions, you will also see weekly surveys, weekly (if not more) articles and constant communication. As everyone else does, I have my own opinion on everything but I am not here to implement my opinions and my plans only, I am here to serve you. I want people to pm me, in game, on irc everything. If you have an opinion let it be heard! I will listen to everyone and give everyone an equal say in everything. If you are voting for a CP then you have a right to have a say in the affairs of the country.
So in case I have not made that clear, I am here to serve you, what you want is what I want.

Vice - President: Ronisu

Ronisu has served his country well this month and will continue to do so as VP. One of the main things he will be focusing on is communication. Anyone who was in congress in the last few months will remember how good of a CC he was which is why he will be appointed as liaison to congress this month and will work on forum's and running/helping all the ministries in general.

Minister Of Defence: Seanan
This month the Ministry of Defence will be run by Seanan. As many of you will know Seanan is one of the most experienced players when it comes to MoD. He has worked in the position numerous time and will also be assisted by one or two other people as well as the MoD supply team.

MoFA sawc

Deputy - MoFA
Fear Malice

Ministry of Foreign affairs is essential for Ireland this month more than ever. Sawc is a highly experienced MoFA expert and has been in the cabinet for the last few months so knows the inside and out of every current event while Fear is a slightly older player who became active once again recently. He has been MoFA 4 times in the past so is also considerably experienced.
They will have numerous advisor's to help out as well.

Ministry of Finance
dreadedestate & Sweet Drinker
Sweet and DE have done wonders for our finances over the past few months. We need them more than ever for this war because of our size and who better to have in the area.

Ministry of community: Damhnaic &
Antony Colby

These two are both used to community organisation by now between Damhnaic pretty much solely doing up all our wiki's and Anthony hosting numerous sporting events with more to come. 😉 They will be continuing work on Project Baby boom as well as working on weekly surveys and events to constantly get the public opinions.

Ministry of Immigration: Rikian1776
This guy has done a great job last month as MoI and will be improving even more in the MoI role. He will monitor all our cs applications etc and work with congress to ensure that only suitable candidates are accepted.

And what is a cabinet without Kurgan?

Ministry of Spiritual Enlightenment through Chaos and Gore
Viktor Kurgan...
enough said....

Winston Hope Smith
Ethel Rosenberg


A few things I should make clear:


Let me get this straight. I personally am in favour of EDEN. That does not mean I will force all of eIreland too. One of the first jobs of the MoC will be to host another survey on the EDEN situation. They will first give arguments and conduct interviews for both pro's and cons and alternatives. If there is enough people who are unhappy with EDEN and there are suitable alternatives than yes we will have a referendum. I will not force our country to be a part of something that they do not want to be.
People complain we have no say in EDEN and yet last month we had two positions in EDEN HQ which is pretty good for a country our size. Yes it has its problems as does every alliance but if we want to get out of our current mess I believe we need them.
That is my opinion however I will be conducting surveys, reading your pm's, your messages and their will be a referendum if it is needed.

My position with poland is clear. I will never under any circumstances sign away our freedom. the only time I would go near a NAP with Poland is if ALL our regions are returned. We are the fighting Irish. We always come back. We will have organised Rw's, we will collaborate with EDEN to free our regions and take back what is ours, we will use any means possible to get our home back.
We will not surrender.


Any questions please comment thanks,